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Thread: myspace hack

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Best way to hack a myspace, is by using this very simple program, created by myself, and my crew, all you have to do is go to the myspace login page, and then type in the users email address...

    Then use this to auth a password.


    Sounds simple eh? give it a try.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    word.exe? It starts downloading as an exe right off the back, I don't trust it, gimme some screenshots.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Alright, sorry for the lateness. we finally have a site set up, but unfortuatnly using a free host, until we can purchase a domain..

    But here you go.

    [url]http://www.freewebs.com/tehfuture/downloads.htm[/url] there are screenshots in the .rar with a readme, and all the ness. files. check it out =)

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    i think my girlfriend is cheating

    i think my girl friend is cheating on me on my space any one that can help please mail me

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    i think my girl friend is cheating on me on my space any one that can help please mai

    whats her username??

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    whats the big deal with hacking myspace??

    surely there are bigger phish to phry out there.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Simple CSS Hack?

    The majority of people use horribly pre-generated code to make their pages look awful, and I cannot emphasize that enough, so I'm attempting a quick temporary CSS "hack" I suppose to fix this and set them straight.

    Basically I want to put some CSS inside a comment I leave for somebody, obviously this has been up for abuse in the past and efforts have been made to stop this.

    What I've found so far is that on posting a comment certain strings are searched for and essentially deleted, one of these strings is "<style" which is replaced with a "..". I've tried some fiddling of entering characters in various ways "&lt;" for example, but it has proven futile.

    If anyone has any idea on how to overcome this problem, they would be most appreciated.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Please help me Stop A Hacker/ stalker


    Im new to this site liKE alot of other sites my Name is David.

    wHat im writting about is this. My girl freind Has been getting stalked by Her Ex for the Last few years this guys a real creep and a total psycho.

    We Have been doing everythin in or power to stop this guy But The law Blows ass beleave me they say its there 2 help you but it is really just there to bullshit you.

    All this talk about kids in school being cyber bullyed and all the talk about everything on the net i would have thought that there was more that could be done about some one fucking with you oneline .

    My girl freind Like every Body these days Has a myspace.

    This prick keeps loading into her account and changing shit on her profile .
    sending sleezy messages out to people deleating people and leaving her threating messages.

    I have set with her watched her change her passwornd * 4 times a few hours later he has It.

    All MYSPACE keeps SAYIng is change your password.

    not vary help full.

    I Dont know much about hacking I dont know much about you guys only what i have read. I love computers alwasy have wish ihad a bit more smarts then maybe i could understand them better.

    I get all this talk about reading books and you have to work for what you want. Hackers are to be resepceted You guys can do soem truly amazing things.

    Hay freedom to all i Dont see a trouble with it. But stalkers All bad.

    Please please help me any body any way you can any advice or help .

    This Is the one area we are having a major problum with.

    Guys i know what you are saying its a lame ass myspace account get a new one or move on.

    This guy has taken everything from my girl freind her freinds her safty her peace of mind.

    This is all she Has left. Today he changed her password we are working on getting into her page but no luck so far.

    Please if you cant offer me advice on how to stop this jerk then please Offer me soem advice on how to fight fire with fire.

    Here is the Jerks myspace [url]http://www.myspace.com/vigvigler[/url]

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Hey Goku, just create a new profile and change your entire name, zip, and email address. That might work on you.
    Mike *0*, John the Ripper, have you used it b4? Is it still usefull?

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Sintacks
    Alright, sorry for the lateness. we finally have a site set up, but unfortuatnly using a free host, until we can purchase a domain..

    But here you go.

    [url]http://www.freewebs.com/tehfuture/downloads.htm[/url] there are screenshots in the .rar with a readme, and all the ness. files. check it out =)
    Cool. thanks,but I'll try it out some other time. I'm sleepy and going to catch my ZZzzs....

    This is a great forum by the way.

    Hey Mike, how long did it took you to learn C++? I have C++ Visual and barely learning it to understand the language. I have done small worms and viruses using Visual Basics 6. I know, I know, it's only good for Windows.
    Last edited by JMobile; 11-12-2006 at 02:17 AM.

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JMobile
    Hey Goku, just create a new profile and change your entire name, zip, and email address. That might work on you.
    Mike *0*, John the Ripper, have you used it b4? Is it still usefull?
    It's as useful as it ever was for decrypting encrypted/hashed passwords.

    Cool. thanks, I have unzipped it, but I'll try it out some other time.
    Enjoy your trojan.

    This is a great forum by the way.
    It may have been once, but this forum is totally crap now.

    Hey Mike, how long did it took you to learn C++? I have C++ Visual and barely learning it to understand the language. I have done small worms and viruses using Visual Basics 6. I know, I know, it's only good for Windows.
    I never fully learned C++, as there is always something new to discover.

    To get at a competent level, it took me about * months. To be able to make quite complicated programs which communicate over the network, it took me 6 months. I only actually started learning just over * year ago.

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Hey all

    I think my girl is cheating on me.. is there any way i can get her myspace pw using a fake login page or pws? If yes, is there any examples how to make one or any toolz i can use?

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Hey all

    I think my girl is cheating on me.. is there any way i can get her myspace pw using a fake login page or pws? If yes, is there any examples how to make one or any toolz i can use?

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    You know I have been actually reading this forum for months. I've not registered until of late about a week ago, but do you know what my first impression was when I first stumbled upon and started reading? It was that you are all fucking clueless and lazy to do anything your fucking selves. The only one that I see that is knowledgeable by any means is Mike. I can tell by the way he comes upon things that he knows that he is talking about, and all of you are just a bunch of pathetic loosers that don't try to do anything yourselves. Mike is the only one with any kind of recongnition coming from me. You think you all know how to hack, or your going to learn in a day, I have news for you, you are so fucking wrong it's not funny. Sure i'm not a ***7 hacker but what I do know came from me working my ass off and reading, what not??? You dont see me on any forum trying to be like "how do i hack myspace profiles" what the fuck is that shit, grow a dick and learn. I just feel sorry for the people who expect stuff is going to be handed to them the rest of there life. I appreciate you mike for showing these kids that it's not all about give, u have to search. have a great day

  15. #75
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Zach, don't waste your time, these guys don't listen at all. I've tried to explain, mike has tried to explain, and countless others have tried to explain, but they'll never listen.

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