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Thread: Password Crackers-Are ANY successful?

  1. #361
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    will they ever learn????

  2. #362
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    you know i must say something and i didnt really realize this untill just now...

    Some people are So Ignorant and stupid.. i dont understand how people read a bunch of other people asking dumb questions, those people then get either cursed out, called idiots etc... then they ask the same question expecting a solid answer on "How to hack my boyfriends myspace because hes screwing some other chick" people only seek to destroy other peoples property...

    let me ask one question.. if all this was in real life would you ask a **** robber how to rob the **** next door? probably not, why? because you dont wanna get in trouble or goto jail right?...

    so why do all these people want to hack and jack peoples myspace accounts, pws etc.. its dumb...

    why not learn how everything works? what makes the wheel go round?..

    anyways i guess people never learn

  3. #363
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    To be honest........... "NO" they will never learn.
    Moderators are doing great as far as requests... but they close one thread,20 more people
    jabber: gh05t*d@jabb* Email: gh05t*

    Internet security is as real as your Dreams !

  4. #364
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by nozf*r4tu View Post
    To be honest........... "NO" they will never learn.
    Moderators are doing great as far as requests... but they close one thread,20 more people
    yah i agree with the mods doing an excellent job, its especially frustrating, ive been a mod on a few forums and answering stupid ass n00b questions is annoying, but hey maybe we should have MOD APPRECIATION DAY? maybe lol

  5. #365
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    then there's people like hymy here that take advantage of people.......
    what do you accomplish by phishing for people? quit copying source codes, and learn real skillz.

  6. #366
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    I'm trying to pull up past info on my computer. I have my browser history deleted very frequently, but not my cookies. Is it possible to access websites I used to have access to through cookies??

  7. #367
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    a cookie is generally a string of txt and numbers, sometimes you can get the webaddress on the cookie:
    On your Task Bar, click:

    Tools, then

    Cookie Manager, then

    Manage Stored Cookies

    just click on one and there you go..... a cookie is usually a small txt file of about 4 mbs, thats alot of cookies to go though, if you spend alot of time on the net......

  8. #368
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Angry You are kidding me right?

    Quote Originally Posted by mimi View Post
    maybe u should relax mike!!!! u don't need to be aggressive

    and no i can read, as a matter of fact i've read everything u've posted but unfortunatlly ur replies are not of a help to anyone. if you think people can't crack others passwords well then u wrong coz i'm sure that a lot of ppl can.

    did u know that plz mean please and that this word shows manners and courtesy. it's funny how some ppl don't like courtesy and don't have any.

    if you don't know how to crack a hotmail password and don't have any helpful information i advice u not reply to this message mike. thank you

    now plz if anyone knows how to crack a password then plz teach me. thanx a lot

    First off, omfg. If you even remotely comprehended the idiotic questions being asked, maybe you would be on his side.
    I read through 5 of the most painful thread pages ever.
    First the people who claim to have lost "their" passwords. Knowing most legit and popular web servers give you a way to retrieve it if indeed it is "lost" through secret question or alternate email verification. So, why would you need to crack/hack "your" email password if you can verify these? EXACTLY!
    ITS NOT THEIRS omgz! no way!!
    Then, the the people who want to "crack/hack" someone else's email but can't spell a literate word or phrase a sentence correctly to save their soul.
    Even if someone took the time to explain step by step how to do such a thing, I would bet the farm that they would have a better chance of seeing God than being able to retrieve the info requested. I am sure they will find a way to screw it up then would be right back in these threads posting about it.
    You have the people who ask what sniffers and crackers and whatever are. Seriously, were you just born? Did you not read any of these previous posts? Never hear of google? or any other search engine for that matter? You take the time to create an account here, post the question and patiently wait for a reply, but, yet lack the energy to just search for it on your choice search engine. Apparently they expect to just pop to a page and magically the answer will be there as if someone knew it would be asked. All their problems solved and they can go about their business.
    My point being. Use common sense people, it is not that hard. If you want to learn something. DO RESEARCH!!!! How else do you think people learned? No one came to our houses and said, ok.. now click this button, and slide your cute fuzzy little mousey wousey her and double click this. c'mon, seriously. If people are really that lazy, that they can't read something. Then they need to be drug out into the middle of the street and shot. If this is what todays society is amounting to then God help us all. Sorry for the rant, but I just couldn't take the lack of intelligence to use common sense any longer.
    Mike, I completely understand where you are coming from. ^5 for your cool calm ways, I would have choked someone by now.

    Oh yeah, btw I am Rev. Nice to be apart of this thread.

  9. #369
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NoRegrets*87 View Post
    Mike, I completely understand where you are coming from. ^5 for your cool calm ways, I would have choked someone by now.

    Oh yeah, btw I am Rev. Nice to be apart of this thread.
    Welcome to the forum.

    ...Looking back at some of my posts, I wouldn't exactly call them calm.

  10. #370
    rockerbabe2007 Guest

    Red face help

    can anyone help me crack a myspace password plz.....plz get back to me if u can......thanks for yalls help and i really appreciate it vary much if yall could......

  11. #371
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rockerbabe2007 View Post
    can anyone help me crack a myspace password plz.....plz get back to me if u can......thanks for yalls help and i really appreciate it vary much if yall could......
    From the rules:

    *. No spam
    For a definition of spam, look here - [url][/url]. In addition to the meaning provided at the link, posts requesting hacking services, asking how to hack a site, requests for passwords or other personal information, asking for trojans/viruses/keyloggers, asking for fake login pages, and asking for programs to hack/crack a site/program will be regarded as spam. Spam will be locked and in some cases, be deleted. Whichever choice a mod/admin chooses is at the sole discretion of said mod/admin.

    You're banned.

  12. #372
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Originally Posted by Unregistered
    can any one hack dis id for me [email][/email]
    ma id is [email]barbie_shiny@**********[/email]
    ------> those Ids are not valid anyways <------
    jabber: gh05t*d@jabb* Email: gh05t*

    Internet security is as real as your Dreams !

  13. #373
    laura_sendal Guest

    Please Help me get a yahoo password

    I need a yahoo password for the account [email]concord_samana@**********[/email]. Can anyone help me

  14. #374
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by laura_sendal View Post
    I need a yahoo password for the account [email]concord_samana@**********[/email]. Can anyone help me
    You're banned.

  15. #375
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Angry Angry

    Someone hacked into my hotmail and change both my password and secret answer. I'm so angry...if anyone could help get my password for this email: [email][/email]
    Please let me know at [email]sweetie_bubu@**********[/email]

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