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Thread: PGP/win *8/*x?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    PGP/win *8/*x?

    Hello good folks this is newest newbie surfing at the speed of light with a new cable modem(zzzzzzooooooommmmmm)
    I had some major problems with my modem because I "accidently" deleted some drivers and the audio went out and the cd-rom and cdwr had recognition problems and my cat was sick and the dog threw-up and I had a flat tire....you get the point. I had a 40 gig hd installed and chucked the *0 it came with
    and saved me pesos for cable modem and now i'm online agian.
    That's the life story
    I've been installing all the essential programs (Zone Alarm was the first stop) and now it's time for the PGP program.
    The home site contains the recognized list of versions however under win *8, only win *x shows up. I'm running Windows *8SE and I need to know which Pgp version is compatable. ALso, what is windows *x....is it another name for *8 or *8se or is it a totally different OP system. I tried the Microsoft site and it's......not helpful....I even asked jeeves but I don't speak German..... any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I see some of the "old" users are still here and that is cool!
    See ya all later
    I'm going the the Opera....get it....it should take about *0 seconds then it's to Winamp and Kazaa....(lite)

    Have a good day all!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    what is windows *x....is it another name for *8 or *8se or is it a totally different OP system

    its windows ninety what ever.

    win *5 and win*8 are their two win *X versions

    see if the below helps


    Regards Data.

  3. #3
    Siggie Guest


    The people at microsoft....any way you answered my question about *X OS in simple to understand language that Microsoft with all theire billions couldn't do....thanks

    Thank you for the pgp info also, it;s a slightly complex program for me but i'm figuring it out....Lots of fun!

    Thanks Data

    Happy surfing!


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