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Thread: Going away for now...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Going away for now...

    Well, this forum looks in a much better state than when I first found it almost a year ago. We get the occasional spam and the occasional idiot, but oh well, you can't be a perfect forum

    Anyways, I've realized I waste about *0% of my time on various forums just reading and reading and reading and reading and reading and reading until I realize that I didn't learn anything. So (hopefully) I'll be cutting forum-surfing cold turkey. All NetTools, believe it or not, is the place where I learned that hacking doesn't consist of booting people off MSN or getting an IP address or doing other crap. Hacking is learning is hacking. Plain and simple.

    I have a few goals in mind to accomplish while I'm gone. Instead of writing them on a piece of paper and hanging them on my 'fridge, why not let everyone else know?
    • Become fluent in PHP (i.e. in a broader aspect, not just focused around computer security)
    • Learn advanced C++ (sockets, I/O, etc) and start learning Windows API for C++
    • Root *0 dedicated servers (I just started out rooting and it's alot of fun. I would like to have some free storage space and somewhere to try new things because I always forget the user/pass combo I make for free hosts to try stuff and I don't like making a local server to do stuff)
    • Have a nice tea-and-cookies session with a bunch of Turks and get them to use their botnets (*00,000+ zombies ain't no joke) to take down 4chan
    • Find a RuneScape player in real life and punch him/her in the face
    Anyawy, I might visit here once a month or something, but I really need to do something constructive with my time. This thread is just to let people know that I"m going so they don't go 'wtf whooz guna giv m* ded animalz picz?!" You're gonna have to get them yourselves, guys. Sorry.

    That being said, mike, SyntaX, smartfool, Troll, Daniel, gordo, and anyone else who is active and helping around here, thanks for making All NetTools such a big factor in my h4x0r life.

    Moonbat has left the building (but will return someday).
    "Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    wtf whooz guna giv m* ded animalz picz?!

    EDIT: I'm also going away... to make some ***** (legally or illegally). ***** has become appealing recently, perhaps even sexy.
    Last edited by Troll; 10-20-2007 at 04:10 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    <* <* <* <* <* <* <* <* <*
    7h* L**7*57 c4n7 h4ck m*!
    Proud to have quit playing ®µÑȧ©ÅÞË

    If you write like a semi-literate boob you will very likely be ignored.
    Writing like a l**t script kiddie hax0r is the absolute l**t*st way to write!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I tried going cold-turkey, but I couldn't take it any more.

    As an advanced warning, here is a list of symptoms associated with withdrawal from all-nettools:
    • Dangerously low levels of the lulz neurotransmitter.
    • Willingness to achieve something in life.
    • Increased levels of boredom.
    • AIDS.

    Good luck battling the addiction, friend.

    Oh, and without 4chan, we'd have no lulz, so keep that in mind.
    We'd also have no child-porn and anime-addicts, so we would be justified in killing 4chan.

    We can have memes without 4chan, anyway. It's like the conversation I was having with this guy outside McDonalds the other day -- I kicked him in the balls then I got in one little fight and my mom got scared, and said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air".

    You're right. 4chan is the main meme-factory on the internet.
    Last edited by Ezekiel; 10-25-2007 at 05:41 AM.
    Who needs drugs when you have electrons?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    • Find a RuneScape player in real life and punch him/her in the face

    LMAO that made me lol for awhile

    arhh good luck with whatever you do. cya mate.

    O yea what mike said to good luck with the addiction i tryed quiting but couldnt.

    So yea good luck

    PS. see you back in a week
    Before asking Script Kiddie question. Ask your self these questions.

    Did i google it? Do i really want this? Do i need this? Why do i need this? Did i do some research on it?

    If you get a yes to all those then please post your question. If not dont bother asking your question.
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