i live in the north part of mexico and at the place i work ther are * of these vending machines but i havent tried it yet.. so i really expect this to work
see ya later
i live in the north part of mexico and at the place i work ther are * of these vending machines but i havent tried it yet.. so i really expect this to work
see ya later
Who needs drugs when you have electrons?
The problem (for me) is outdoing all the 'freelancers' on the particular site I"m using to get jobs. These 'freelancers' are just companies, not individual people. I can't compete with companies with time, resources, and more experienced and faster people then I, working for less than I bid on a project. It sucks.
"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx
hi everybody, im new here, and i like to say to smart/fool very nice tuto, but you know what men, i live in mexico and we dont see coke machines with than kindof potencial barely in some areas just have machines, the old ones, just kidding, well the machines in here are a lil diferent, you just have to punch them a liltle and get some free stuff, maybe when i visit your country i can see this tuto working dont you think?
I have yet to find a machine in USA that works.
"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx
I've tried low bids, but it seems as though you have to have rep to get jobs to get rep to get jobs, etc. For instance, someone had a project to correct some PHP code, and I bidded (is that a word?) $*0, and another person (according to profile was a company) bid $50. I have zero rep, that guy has 5 stars with *0 reviews, and he was chosen.
"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx
You need to bid even lower then. Sometimes it has to be lower than half the average bid.
Who needs drugs when you have electrons?
Maybe I should learn some more stuff, so I can do the high-end jobs (Web 2.0 centered sites w/ AJAX, Vista-esque graphics, etc.) for cheep prise.
Brb, gonna go learn.
"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx
i've tried this on a bunch of different ones around here (miami) and it works. get me the main sales, cash, error menu...no way to get free cokes on them though, that option seems to be locked out
however, with the sales menu, you pick which sot to view data for, and it will give you how many were sold of that slot since last reset...same for cash, will tell you cash on hand.
i try new ones all the time, although i have heard that most of the ones in backwater places and shops are normally ********, so you can get the prices menu and such there
On newer machines, most of the other options (the useful ones) only work when the vending machine door is open, and if that's the case, why bother with the primitive OS of the machine when you can just grab a can?
"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx
Yeah, it's kind of pointless when you need to open the machine before doing anything cool. Might as well take a crowbar to it and drink all the coke you want.
Who needs drugs when you have electrons?
It's a lot easier to find coke delivery trucks and grab a crate. They had crates of drinks that anyone could take if they wanted back in the day at my school, but nobody did since a CCTV camera was pointed right at that spot.
Who needs drugs when you have electrons?
Lol, just go to a random public event where they are giving out free drinks and re*****ments and stock up.
"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx