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Thread: HTTP error

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    HTTP error

    I am using home broadband. If i try to connect to my home PC from any outside computer using my home PC IP address, say

    i always get "page not found error"

    i can connect to any other website, say yahoo, msn etc. I can even do ftp also.

    Is it something to do http port?

    What could be the problem?

    Waiting for reply urgently.

    - priya

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    Firsly,your computer should have a static ip and secondly it should be running a webserver to acessur computer from outside with [url][/url]
    It is easier to host ur web pages on providers giving out free space like or or

    Regards Data.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    as i have written i am using "home broadband". so i will have dynamic public ip address (though it wont change a lot).

    what i have written is if w.x.y.z is my ip address at some time, i can do [url]ftp://w.x.y.z[/url] from anywhere in internet..but cannot do http into my machine..

    have tried running apache as well as iis on my machine for the same..looks like my ISP is putting some block on http incoming this common in all broadband?

    - priya

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Originally posted by Unregistered
    as i have written i am using "home broadband". so i will have dynamic public ip address (though it wont change a lot).

    what i have written is if w.x.y.z is my ip address at some time, i can do [url]ftp://w.x.y.z[/url] from anywhere in internet..but cannot do http into my machine..

    have tried running apache as well as iis on my machine for the same..looks like my ISP is putting some block on http incoming this common in all broadband?

    - priya

    Accessing your PC from the outside Internet with the FTP protocol requires that port 2* (this is the default, but can be modified) is OPEN on your PC.
    Now, because you said you can do this, it means that you have
    BY ALL MEANS a running FTP server on your PC.

    From the other hand, accessing your PC from the outside Internet with the HTTP protocol requires that port 80 is OPEN on your PC. If you do not have a running HTTP server on your PC, you will NEVER EVER be able to do it.

    You, and only you, can tell if you have installed such an HTTP running server on your PC or not.

    If you do not have one, so let's stop talking about it.

    If you are SURE that you have one, and still cannot access your PC with the HTTP protocol, this will lead to several reasons.

    >Is this HTTP server running.
    if yes
    >Is it well configurated on port 80, with a valid index.htm and other scripts..
    if yes
    >Do you have a firewall blocking port 80
    if NO
    >Ask your ISP whether he applies some restrictions on accessing your PC on port 80 (which I really doubt !?!)
    if your ISP say NO

    then %&=}匪?.


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