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Thread: 0mg H0w D0 I Hax

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    0mg H0w D0 I Hax

    Title : For grabbing your attention

    I think you guys probably... Well every other forum that i have visited have people who immediately go OMG HOW DO I HAX MSN N STUFFZ HALP!!!!***

    Anyhoo. I'm not really new to .bat files, even though it's all i know how to do. I know the basics, maybe a little more. More than happy to teach. I am new to this forum just saying hi

    If anyone has any hacks or advice towards msn would love to have them shared.


    - Your Canadian new best friend.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Hello and welcome to all-nettools.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Here is a copy of a post I made a few days ago.
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonbat
    I'm assuming you have never had any programming experience. I say you start out with a web language. Here's how I went.

    HTML ---> Some JavaScript ---> PHP

    This website will help you with all three of those - [url]http://www.w*[/url]

    Practice the language. Make stuff with it, make useless things if you want, as long as it helps you to understand the concepts. Google around for PHP projects, JavaScript projects, anything and everything to help you practice more.

    Once you've gotten a good ******y over those (HTML and JS are easy, PHP will be a bit more harder), you should now have a good idea of what programming is like. If it still interests you, keep doing it. You now have two choices. You can either start going into software languages like C++, Visual Basic, C#, etc. or you can keep going into web languages and learning about advanced web programming techniques like AJAX, and you can learn how to use PHP with SQL for databases. It just depends on what you like more.

    As far as understanding networks and things like that, I learned that by getting into hacking. I learned my basics from these sites.

    [url][/url] (here! )

    After that, you just Google around, find out what specific topics interest you, and keep going. It's not easy to make a road map for learning, because each person learns differently.
    "Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx

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