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Thread: Wi-fi - *00% Anonymous

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    Question Wi-fi - *00% Anonymous

    Dear Friends,

    I need a clarification.

    I have got WI-FI enabled laptop. And if i log in via wifi and send a email via some smpt mail programs, is it possible to ***** me?

    I am trying to ask, Is WI-FI really very anonymous?

    I assume, There is Zero percent chance to ***** to the real person whom uses WIFI. As the service provider physically dont know the user nor cannot identify him!!! and they also dont have any details about the user who connects..

    We just buy a wifi account in some retail shops and login using it... So even the retailer doesnt have any idea whom he would have sold too as there would hev *00's buying those daily..

    I would appreciate u r comments on it...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    "We just buy a wifi account in some retail shops and login using it... So even the retailer doesnt have any idea whom he would have sold too as there would hev *00's buying those daily.."

    tHAT means they dont know who r but they can ***** ur co-ordinates when ever u go online and they can log all the communication to and from ur device.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Re: Wi-fi - *00% Anonymous

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    Dear Friends,
    .................I am trying to ask, Is WI-FI really very anonymous?
    Only in your dreams

    DATA gave you the correct answer, I only would like to add that you have ALREADY given all necessary information about the "buyer" at the moment when you have purchased the Wi-fi.
    They have at least the buyer name, address, and maybe his ****** card number (if he used it for payment).
    Your wi-fi will ONLY work if you are licensed and identified for a connection.
    When you log-In for a Wi-fi connection, your system will identify itself by its own personal license.
    In case they need to ***** you back, it is simply based on your license identification.
    From this point they can trace you back and find the date, the time, the place you purchased your Wi-fi, PLUS of course, the buyer's name, address, ****** card....

    sorry to disappoint you

  4. #4
    floater Guest
    Identification done by MAC address, although my wireless setup allows me spoof mine from within the residential gateway.

    Check out Stumbler.


    If your wireless card works with it, it will show you any wireless networks in your area, identify them by MAC address, and let you connect to them.

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    Thanks for the reply friends...

    Well lets take it this way

    For example

    *. I go 2 a retail shop, Buy a Wi-Fi account (Just pay ***** & u get a account) by paying CASH!!!

    2. Get into internet, create a new account in yahoo and send a mail...

    So in this case will the receiver be able to ***** back

    I think its impossible ...

    As gonna use it only for that purpose (to send mail), Doesnt chat nor browse or check personal mails etc or do anything els! So no other evidence...

    If its impossible, what can Hot-Spot providers do to prevent such occurance & ***** the users!!!

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest


    WiFi can be very very annonymous, all you need is someone else's WiFi as most today arent yet encrypted and closed for others than the owner.

    It is becomming a sport here to go with your WiFi enabled laptop and surf on other people's cost and downloading all sort of illegal things through a hyjacked WiFi.

    So the answer is that it depends on who's WiFi you are talking about.

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    I hope we haven't just helped a spammer how to be more anon using a WiFi hotspot.

  8. #8
    Unregistered Guest

    Post Food For Thought

    Ladies & Gentlemen;

    Through my experiences, emails and other means of internet/intranet communications are subject in leaving a binary signature it being through software or hardware and sometimes both. Leading to say *} Nothing is bullet proof. 2} Though it takes (in most cases) special software and a skilled professional, there are ways to identify the 5 W’s (Who, Where, When, What, and Why). *} As stated above, “whenever” you log on, you’re subject to being seen and *****ed i.e. Net Stumbler. 4} Last but not least; (a note for the good guys) there are several ways to protect yourself a} Hardware/Software Firewalls b} Encryption Software c} Your Operating System Settings d} Your Internet/Intranet Application Settings e} Spyware/Adware software etc…

    I hope that this gives you some insight on how to protect yourself and if you’re the one several looking to create trouble; let your conscious be your guide: eventually you’ll be caught. For every question you think you have an answer for; remember there is always more than one solution.

  9. #9
    Unregistered Guest


    ****, it is a new year.

  10. #10
    Unregistered Guest
    It's probably worth noting that if someone has an IP address, they might well be able to tell what city you're in, for instance. That could prompt their suspicions in your direction.

  11. #11
    floater Guest
    Originally posted by Unregistered
    It is becomming a sport here to go with your WiFi enabled laptop and surf on other people's cost and downloading all sort of illegal things through a hyjacked WiFi.

    I'm not so sure the aim is to download something illegal, but there's no doubt it's a sport.


    There's also warwalking with a PDA, warbiking with a backpack, and warchalking to make open networks for others.

  12. #12
    floater Guest
    Typo: to mark open networks for others.

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