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Thread: ip address

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    ip address

    If you have a firewall installed, can a person ***** your ip address and if so what kind of information can they get from it?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    Firewall basically prevents attacks on your computer. The firewall can be configured such that your system/computer doesnot reply to various probes and scanners randomly initiated by the attacker, that way the attacker will not know your presence on the network. However, if you are communicating with someone,a firewall doesn't prevent the party at the other end from seeing your ip address.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004



    i just like to say for you that either if you put firewall, there a tools to get your IP.

    This tools for example cn use the MSN messenger, so your IP will be displayed using an internal command there.

    Other type is by sending mails, so if for hotmail , u can see in the header the IP that the message is sent.

    Using firewall is to get more security and less hackers attackes.

    But, the HACKERS like to penetrate when its difficult to do that.

  4. #4
    Ru|er Guest
    whoever that hacker is tell him/her to hack me, please i beg.
    these hackers you're saying are not true hackers they're just bunch of script kiddies who likes to harrass people in the net , they dont have life except to take advantage of innocent users. the only way to stop them from messing with you is to do eye for an eye. ..they're nobody just plain wanna be hackers. thats all.

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    If hackers will know your IP they can:

    *. Ddos you.
    2. Scan your computer to find open ports.
    *. Get some information about you from whois services.

  6. #6
    Legion Guest
    if you have a good firewall software/hardware and filters out bad request you shouldn't have problems with DDoS in short do egress filtering.

    if you have a good firewall and AV and not going to porn sites, swapping files, downloading crack files, downloading from mirc, you have less chance of getting worms, trojans,virus, that can open your ports or risk your computer security. bottom line your PC relies on your decisions and what files you are downloading and what sites you are visiting.

    third use proxy,proxy chainning software and anonymous surfing applications to avoid getting your info. for more info
    go to [url]www.proxynation.org[/url] "safe Browsing" and "securing PC"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Whois is a bull****...
    No ... for real !
    U can't get too much info from that thing !
    Just an adress about * mile away, than a real is !
    Using XSpider u can get TOO much info ...
    Also what I would do, I would call your system admin and just talk to him !
    Than ... everything depend's on if u are smart enough !
    Last edited by lip*ID; 10-15-2004 at 07:23 PM.
    Change yourself of we will ! ...::*lip-team*::... God Save Russia !

  8. #8
    noscared Guest

    I dont care

    I'm not scared about you IP "hackers" or email whatevers.. bring it on..

    email: [email]mforst@law.stetson.edu[/email]

  9. #9
    notscared2 Guest

    no no

    no no no

  10. #10
    Unregistered Guest

    ip address from opening email

    If someone sends you an email (a normal email not one with any virus), when you open it can they see your ip address from where you are opening it?
    Also is there a way to block your ip address when on yahoo mess. with someone else.

    Thanks for any info!!

  11. #11
    Unregistered Guest

    one other question

    If you use an proxy service to log into yahoo or aol to check your email, does the proxy site have access to your email account since you went thru them (username,password, read emails,ect..)

    Thanks again

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2001

    The proxy can optinally log whatever traffic that goes through it.


  13. #13
    Unregistered Guest

    ip address change

    i need help....my friend used my computer to use the ip relay service and prank call someone and the person got scared and called the ip relay place and now they are in the proccess of trying to find my ip address, and the people say they are gonna press charges for the prank call....is there anything i can do NOW to make sure they don't find my ip address? or am i just screwed

  14. #14
    Unregistered Guest


    Originally posted by DATA

    Firewall basically prevents attacks on your computer. The firewall can be configured such that your system/computer doesnot reply to various probes and scanners randomly initiated by the attacker, that way the attacker will not know your presence on the network. However, if you are communicating with someone,a firewall doesn't prevent the party at the other end from seeing your ip address.

    i would like to say evev if there are tools my fire wall tells me their ip adress then witch i give them out to people and now i am trying to trace the asshole who keeps changing my IE's homepage and he has no idea i have his ip.

  15. #15
    Unregistered Guest

    Re: ip address change

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    i need help....my friend used my computer to use the ip relay service and prank call someone and the person got scared and called the ip relay place and now they are in the proccess of trying to find my ip address, and the people say they are gonna press charges for the prank call....is there anything i can do NOW to make sure they don't find my ip address? or am i just screwed
    I hate it when this sort off stuff happens. Everyone says thier going to log someones IP Address, but do they? Onetime I was on winmx to download a song. when I opened the song a window popped up and said "Your IP Address has been logged and we will take legal action within the next * days" I was scared to death. I don't understand why the person who makes the illegal files can't get busted instead of the people who download the stuff.

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