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Thread: svchost.EXE where it shouldn't be. (I think)

  1. #16
    Unregistered Guest
    Finish the svchost.exe process with username being = your username and delete it from your windows. clear your internet cache.
    svchost.exe ---> see the properties if u get "generic host proccess for win*2 services" then this is legitimate and it will be on system*2 in case u re using XP.
    now go on start-run type cmd and when the command prompt window open
    type: taskkill /f /im svchost.exe all svchosts will be killed.
    now fastly type: shutdown /a to cancel the system shutdown that will happen when u kill the svchost.exe now type del c:\windows\svchost.exe and then delete the svchost.exe from that folder of IE. (the one with lots of numbers that u told u on your last post)

  2. #17
    ubay Guest

    Re: svchost.EXE where it shouldn't be. (I think)

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    Hey hey! I recently downloaded Bazooka Spyware Detector, and it reported that svchost.exe was in my %WinDir% and that it was NOT supposed to be there.

    It gave me a list of instructions to get rid of it manually, and a list of things that put it there and how to get rid of those manually as well. I've tried about 7 of the *0 solutions given, it svchost.exe still remains. I ran Norton AntiVirus 200* to check for trojans and what not, but nothing comes up.

    I am mainly concerned about this because it seems to be interrupting my online gaming, making things difficult to get done... Please help!!

    Also, I downloaded spybot, and it keeps detecting something called DOS Exploit everytime I run it, even with consecutive scans/fixes. X_x

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    There is a specific order you have to do these steps or the program can recreate itself evertime you log back onto your machine. Doesnt matter what virus/worm you may have -

    Windows Anything

    First- download/update Ad-aware and your Anti-Virus Program

    Second- Open MSCONFIG, Uncheck all of the startup values (for windows 2k you can download MSCONFIG)

    Third- Open regedit, [hkey_local_machine]/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/run

    Delete all the values here, NOT THE RUN FOLDLER

    also make sure nothing is listed under the Runonce, runservices (all the run values)

    Check these folders: Run, Runonce, and Explorer

    Delete all your (Temporary Items)
    Temporary internet files
    Ex: %userprofile%/Cookies

    After you have removed all the values you KNOW should not be there, Run your Ad-aware, then you AV program(FULL SCAN).


    Run ad-aware and AV scans once again-

    You PC should thank you after this- There are a few other possibilities but this is the most assuring way to make sure unwanted progs do not start up. Its a long process but its worth it- especially if you do online ****ing and things like that.

    Hope this help you out~
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  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I concur,

    For those of you who are unsure/afraid of using MSCONFIG (powerful tool in the wrong hands!), there is a neat (free!) little utility that will achieve the same results using a helpful gui.
    Once installed, the program adds a 'startup' icon to control panel for easy access. Works on all Windows O/S.

    [URL=http://www.mlin.net/StartupCPL.shtml]Startup Control Panel[/URL]

    Check out the Startup Monitor also, (similar to spybot search & destroy tea-timer) also free!

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