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Thread: Websense

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest


    Does anyone know how to get around websense? I've tried proxies, and everything else I could think of, but nothing seems to work.

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    yes i know how to get around it.

    go to [url][/url] (its come asian site) then at the search bar at the top where you can type stuff, type in the website u wanna go to then click the little asian button right next to the search bar. It will bring you to the site =) and its way better then using googles cache..

    also if u go to [url][/url] and type in [url][/url] in the search bar and click the asian button next to it, it will bring you to google. THen when you are at google everything you search in google will be unblocked =)

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest

    Smile An Ansewr

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    Does anyone know how to get around websense? I've tried proxies, and everything else I could think of, but nothing seems to work.
    There is only one way that I know of.

    If you do a google web search of "Language Tools".

    Click first link "Language Tools"

    Go to site

    Scroll down to where there is an "http://" already incerted

    Type the link that you wish to visit

    Once typed click enter.

    This will bring you to any site!

  4. #4
    ABHIS Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    yes i know how to get around it.

    go to [url][/url] (its come asian site) then at the search bar at the top where you can type stuff, type in the website u wanna go to then click the little asian button right next to the search bar. It will bring you to the site =) and its way better then using googles cache..

    also if u go to [url][/url] and type in [url][/url] in the search bar and click the asian button next to it, it will bring you to google. THen when you are at google everything you search in google will be unblocked =)
    A serious SysAdmin that knows what he's doing WILL NEVER ALLOW a connection to [url][/url] at the *st place.
    You will never be able to use any of the translation, redirection sites on networks where the sysadmin has enough knowledge of those 5_year_old tricks.

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest

    getting around websense for real

    ok i know some people that know some plople that know a guy who knows this girl that knows several other people that know the real story. "i" have never never done this, but here is how it was explaned to me. ---DISCLAMER--- I WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ILLEGAL USE OF THIS INFORMATION, THIS IS FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY AND NOT TO BE USED TO BYPASS ANY KIND OF FIREWALL AT ALL. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND BESIDES, I HAVE NEVER USED IT,... SO DONT BRING MY NAME UP ANYWHERE!!!!!
    ok, first thing, websense blocks adult content and sex, so this method wont help you if that is what you want. it dose not work with alot of sites, but it is very usefull, you dont need any fucking circumventor, or special program. all you need is the command prompt, notepad, and scientific calculator. here is how it is done. ok first of all, say that you want to go to [url][/url] this is a site that you can get links from to get all kinds of software for free, but that is illegal, so i do not reccomend that. anyway. ddl2 is blocked by websense. so what you do is go to the command prompt. it looks like c:\ or some shit like that, depending on your o.s. so you type in PING [url][/url] ok, after you do that, it gives you the i.p. address of the site. ok, now write this number in notepad and then you go to the calculator, and you have to convert each of those four numbers from decimal into binary. so say the ip address is *2*.*2.44.2**, i made that up, that isnt it, anyway you take *2* and put it into the calculator and then you click the binary button and it translates it into 0's and *'s. make take this number and put it into notepad, under the ip. make sure their are 8 digits in it, because binary is based on 8's. say you only get four numbers like 0*0*, ok, so add four 0's infront of that number and you have the first piece of the code. now do all the other three numbers of the i.p. address like that and put all the binary code back to back. you should have *2 digits of *'s and 0's. ok so you have converted the binary now, ok, time for the next step. take all that binary that you have and copy it into the calculator WHILE THE CALCULATOR IS AT FIRST SET ON BINARY that way you can convert all this to decimal. get that decimal number, and say the number is *2*45678 for instance. take that and put it in the address bar of you internet browser like the following- [url]http://*2*45678[/url] <that might not show up on where you are lookin at it from, but it might be a link, so click on it and the example will be in the address bar of that page. tada!!! you went to the site with it without fucking with websense. but beware, websense is a centrally run mainframe computer in dallas texas at the data center. they can and will trace you down while you do this, and formating your harddrive will not help either, because they can trace you by your i.p. address, and your mac address, and your port, and your portal. so do this on computers that dont have your name on them, as in no seating charts, or do it on a somewhat public computer that you do not have to sign in on in any way. the punishments for this is federal prison if you get caught. use this technique spareingly!!! oh yea, your welcome. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha DA ******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -KingKrom

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Please provide an example of what you just stated~ By the way NO ONE WILL GO TO PRISON FOR BYPASSING A WEBFILTER
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  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    Websense blocks the ultreach as proxy avoidance. And the Binary thing would take way too long to be worth it.

  8. #8
    kpas85 Guest

    Arrow i want tosearch all websiho[poi[po[p0iiu

    [QUOTE=Unregistered]yes i know how to get around it.

    go to [url][/url] (its come asian site) then at the search bar at the top where you can type stuff, type in the website u wanna go to then click the little asian button right next to the search bar. It will bring you to the site =) and its way better then using googles cache..

    also if u go to [url][/url] and type in [url][/url] in the search bar and click the asian button next to it, it will bring you to google. THen when you are at google everything you search in google will be unblocked =)[/QUOT

  9. #9
    Unregistered Guest
    [url][/url] acutally does work to get past websense... you just need the www if you don't have it itwill be blocked under proxy avoidance or some bullshit likethat

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Run This .bat I wrote. Enter the # you get into your calculator and convert from binary to decimal. Enter this decimal # into your browser.

    If what KingKrom says is tru, you will be able to bypass the filter

    echo off && cls && set count=*
    echo     ENTER IP ADDRESS
    set /p IP=
    If %ip:~*,*% EQU . set value=%ip:~0,*% && set ip=%ip:~2% && goto :BINARY
    If %ip:~2,*% EQU . set value=%ip:~0,2% && set ip=%ip:~*% && goto :BINARY
    If %ip:~*,*% EQU . set value=%ip:~0,*% && set ip=%ip:~4% && goto :BINARY
    REM ****************************************************
    If %value% GEQ *28 set one=*&& set /a value=%value%-*28 && goto :64
    If %value% LSS *28 set one=0
    If %value% GEQ 64 set two=*&& set /a value=%value%-64 && goto :*2
    If %value% LSS 64 set two=0
    If %value% GEQ *2 set three=*&& set /a value=%value%-*2 && goto :*6
    If %value% LSS *2 set three=0
    If %value% GEQ *6 set four=*&& set /a value=%value%-*6 && goto :8
    If %value% LSS *6 set four=0
    If %value% GEQ 8 set five=*&& set /a value=%value%-8 && goto :4
    If %value% LSS 8 set five=0
    If %value% GEQ 4 set six=*&& set /a value=%value%-4 && goto :2
    If %value% LSS 4 set six=0
    If %value% GEQ 2 set seven=*&& set /a value=%value%-2 && goto :*
    If %value% LSS 2 set seven=0
    If %value% GEQ * set eight=*
    If %value% LSS * set eight=0
    set final=%one%%two%%three%%four%%five%%six%%seven%%eight%
    echo %final% 
    If %count% EQU * set first=%final%
    If %count% EQU 2 set second=%final%
    If %count% EQU * set third=%final%
    If %count% EQU 4 set fourth=%final% && goto :END
    set /a count=%count%+*
    If %count% NEQ 4 goto :ip
    If %count% EQU 4 set value=%ip% && goto :BINARY
    Set final=%first%%second%%third%%fourth%
    Set final2=%first%.%second%.%third%.%fourth%
    echo %final% 
    echo %final2% 
    echo %final% >> "%userprofile%\desktop\binary.txt"
    echo %final2% >> "%userprofile%\desktop\binary.txt"
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
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    [URL=******/]Old Site[/URL]
    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  11. #11
    websense victim Guest

    it doesnt work


    I tried the batch and used a blocked site IE [url][/url].
    didnt work. Also tried google using the method and it didnt work. Maybe they blocked the non DNS addresses too?

  12. #12
    ABHIS Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by websense victim

    I tried the batch and used a blocked site IE [url][/url].
    didnt work. Also tried google using the method and it didnt work. Maybe they blocked the non DNS addresses too?
    You need to try websence for sometime (mostly websense enterprise), you will certainly admit that when websence is running on a system, there's IS ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to get around it.
    Do not waiste your time.

  13. #13
    Unregistered Guest

    i know how

    you can use [url][/url] it uses a secure connection cuz websense cant block ssl, bad thing is you cant log into forums or use shit like that, any problems email me at [email][/email]

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    The .bat works

    I couldnt finish the conversions b.c command prompt can only store *2-bit numbers so if the first 2 Binary bits of the IP are *'s then it cant convert b.c the # = 42*4*672*6 and the second bit # = 2*4748*648 which are both too big for the command prompt to handle. In English Terms the IP cannot start w/ a or greater. If it does the command prompt gives you a nice little error saying "INVALID NUMBER - Numbers are limited to *2-bits of precision"

    As far as getting around Websence, i've never tried or been on a network that uses it.


    From what ABHIS says it seems like a powerful program so i wouldnt waste my time trying either, i wish you luck though
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/services.php]Speed Up Windows XP[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/ip.php]Get An Ip Address[/url]
    [url=http://www.syntax******.info/tools/base_converter.php]Base Converter[/url]
    [URL=******/]Old Site[/URL]
    [URL=http://www.syntax******.info]Comming Soon[/URL]

  15. #15
    ABHIS Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    you can use [url][/url] it uses a secure connection cuz websense cant block ssl, bad thing is you cant log into forums or use shit like that, any problems email me at [email][/email]
    This is NOT correct, websence works well with sites running port 80 (http) or port 44* (https). However, it is the admin who decide to allow or deny some sites/ports/IPs/DNS servers/etc depending on a day, a time-window, a user logon/group etc..

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