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Thread: How can i get my girlfriends yahoo password

  1. #76
    ~Sk8 Guest
    this site is not for talking about your girl/boy issues, if you really want to get her comp, go to her house say your e-mail is down tell her you need to e-mail a "very special letter" and just say oops! i just opend your e-mail; or call her later at night tell her you have to send an important letter or go to a website and just ask her, her password and just look.If you have been with her for a while or not shell prob just tell you.


  2. #77
    jetr Guest

    Cool Mail hacking plz.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    I think my gfriend is cheating on me, but i dont have any proof.. how can i get her yahoo password. We dont live together so keylogger wont work, i need to get remotely into her computer or is there an easier way. thx
    i want hack dis ID plz help me,

    my email is

  3. #78
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    I think my gfriend is cheating on me, but i dont have any proof.. how can i get her yahoo password. We dont live together so keylogger wont work, i need to get remotely into her computer or is there an easier way. thx
    this is very helpful! [url][/url]

  4. #79
    Unregistered Guest

    Thumbs up Dealing With Competition From Other Men

    I can remember breaking up with long-term girlfriends
    in years past, and feeling an empty, fearful, LONELY
    combination of emotions in my gut that was HORRIBLE.
    That ALONE is enough to cause a lot of problems.
    Add to that not knowing where to start, what to
    do, or how to "get your game back" if you had it in
    the past and you usually get a bad situation.

    I've learned that knowing how to go out anytime
    and meet women has a couple of MAJOR benefits when
    it comes to this area:

    *) When you know that you can meet women anytime you
    want, it makes you stop acting so NEEDY and CLINGY
    in a relationship. Most needy and clingy Wuss behavior
    is rooted in the FEAR that you'll never be able to
    find another woman.
    2) When it comes to ENDING a relationship, this skill
    makes things MUCH easier. Too many guys stay in relationships
    that are bad for them, and are afraid to END a relationship
    because of that deeply-rooted insecurity that comes
    from not knowing how to walk out the door anytime,
    anywhere and meet women. When you know how to do this,
    you won't try to hold on like a girly-man, sacrifice
    your own respect and dignity pleading and begging,
    and ultimately make the situation much worse than
    it would have been if you would have just walked away.

    In short, what I'm trying to say is that I think
    understanding this area called "How to attract women"
    is a KEY to having a good relationship.
    When you have that inner confidence and KNOWING,
    it makes you more attractive, period.
    Now let's talk about what to do about competition
    from other guys...
    First I want to talk about what I believe is at
    the ROOT of the problem:

    2) JEALOUSY.

    When you are insecure, you're always wondering
    if some other guy is going to come along and steal
    your girl.
    This often shows up as a combination of feelings
    that make you worry about losing your girl, and at
    the same time worrying about not being able to find
    another one if you DO lose this one.
    This is a BAD, BAD thing, because it then CLOUDS
    YOUR THINKING, and creates an illusion that the woman
    you're with is BETTER than she is, and that you're
    WORSE than you are.
    We're talking about some deep issues here, but
    this is the stuff that triggers the ULTIMATE WUSS
    types of behaviors.
    Then, as if things weren't bad enough, you go out
    with your girl, and other guys start hitting on her
    right in front of you.
    This triggers MORE insecurity, and then the REAL
    problem... JEALOUSY.
    Jealousy is an incredibly powerful emotion.
    It often leads people to KILL people they love.
    One scientist wrote an entire book about Jealousy,
    and basically claimed that it was the most powerful
    and important emotion ever! (The book is called "The
    Dangerous Passion" by Buss)
    When you're out with your girl, you turn around
    to order a drink, and when you turn BACK around there's
    some guy talking to her with that "I'd love to take
    you home and do things that the lord forbids", it
    can trigger a few emotions...
    This is very natural. Animals have this same response
    in similar situations. I personally believe that we
    come pre-wired with BOTH of these things:

    -We come pre-wired to want women that other men already
    have (Don't covet thy neighbor's wife).
    -We come pre-wired to feel jealousy if we suspect
    that our spouse is cheating, or if we think that someone
    is going to take them from us.
    Again, normal and natural stuff.
    If Yoda were here, he'd probably say:

    "Jealousy is useless...
    ...Jealousy leads to anger, anger leads to INSECURE
    WUSSY BEHAVIOR... and insecure Wussy behavior leads
    to the DARK SIDE."

    Now, jealousy doesn't always lead to insecure WUSSY
    behavior, sometimes it leads to insecure DUMB ASS
    behavior, like getting into a fight, or shooting someone.

    Some men enjoy fights and violence.
    And some women have no problem dating a man who
    likes to beat other men up (or beat her up).

    I personally think that violence and hurting other
    people is the IGNORANT way to deal with things.
    But I also know that there are a lot of guys out
    there that don't share my views. To each his own.
    The POINT I'm trying to make is that insecurity
    and jealousy make people do all kinds of stupid and
    thoughtless things.
    These emotions take over your mind and body, and
    can trigger some of the most short-sighted behaviors
    you'll ever experience.
    These are complex emotions that have evolved over
    millions and millions of years... and they're not
    going away anytime soon. In many cases, they literally
    take control of your mind and body.

    For instance...
    Let's say you've just broken up with your girlfriend
    or wife, and it took you a long time to finally get
    a date with an attractive woman. Maybe you were feeling
    insecure, and didn't know if you could meet another
    woman, and let's say that the breakup was hard on
    you as well.

    Let's say you're out at a bar with your new date,
    and you excuse yourself to use the boy's room... and
    when you get back, there are TWO big, handsome guys
    talking to your date, and she's laughing hysterically
    at what they're saying.

    What would most guys do in this situation?
    THEY'D FREAK. That's what.

    All kinds of fear, jealousy, insecurity, etc. would
    INSTANTLY take over, and there would be thoughts of
    her wanting to be with these guys, them taking her
    away, etc.

    And what do most guys actually DO in one of these

    They walk over, act nervous, and try to take the
    girl away from the situation. And they make the mistake
    of making it OBVIOUS that they're all freaked out,
    intimidated, jealous, and insecure.

    This, of course, only makes the other guys feel
    more powerful, and makes the woman realize that she's
    with an insecure WUSS.

    It becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy, in most
    As a side note: I have met and know of guys who
    actually ENJOY picking up women who are out with other
    guys. It's a game to them.
    And they've found that it's EASY, because most
    men are insecure, and most women don't want to be
    with a WUSS...

    So what's the answer here?
    What's the best thing to do when a guy is making
    his move on your girl?

    Well let's start from a little BEFORE that.
    The best thing you can do in one of these situations
    is what you do BEFORE it ever happens... and it's
    a combination of things:

    *) Realize that there's nothing to be insecure and
    jealous about, and that these things only lead to
    fear and loss.
    2) Get your game in shape with women. Get yourself
    to the point where you can meet women in ANY situation,
    this way you always know DEEP DOWN that if any woman
    you're with ever decides to leave, you can turn around
    and start meeting women. This eliminates insecurity.

    *) Mentally prepare. Take some time to imagine that
    you're in one of these situations, and notice the
    feelings you have. Go over it in your mind until you
    can think about it without having any negative
    emotions triggered.

    And here's what to do when you're actually IN the

    *) EXPECT IT. If you start dating hot women, other
    men will hit on them, GUARANTEED. It's part of life,
    man. You must expect that it's going to happen, and
    not be surprised when it does.

    2) Learn how to have FUN with it. Most guys have no
    game at all... and it's kind of funny to watch and
    listen to them. I enjoy watching guys try to meet
    women, because they FAIL miserably in most cases.
    I like to wait until a guy is finished trying to pick
    up on the girl I'm with, and then get her to share
    the details so I can laugh.

    *) S***est that she date the guy. One of my favorite
    things to do is say "Hey, you guys would make a cute
    couple... I think you should go for him." Of course,
    this is all said in a light, fun way.

    4) If you suspect that the girl you're with is actually
    TRYING to make you jealous, talk to other women. If
    you actually think that a woman is deliberately trying
    to make you jealous, you must do some thinking as well.
    Some women enjoy making men compete over them, and
    you probably don't want to be with one of these women.
    They're a pain. But if you think it's just a typical
    situation and the girl is trying to figure out if
    you "really" like her (because you'll get jealous if
    you do), then just turn around and start a conversation
    with a group of girls... and wait for her to come and
    find you.

    The point I'm making is that you MUST get over
    that fear/insecurity/jealousy issue, and realize that
    there is nothing to be afraid of.

    The only power that other guys will have with your
    date is the power that you GIVE them... so don't give
    them any power by acting like a WUSS. Keep your power
    for yourself. The main reason that other guys try
    to hit on your girl is because they don't have one
    themselves. Remember that.

    ...and if you're reading this right now and thinking
    to yourself "You know, I need to learn this stuff
    about how to meet and attract women so I can get rid
    of that insecure and fearful feeling I have", then

    I think that every man should invest in himself,
    and learn this skill.

    Unfortunately, most guys never take the time and
    invest in themselves... and they wind up going their
    whole lives WISHING that they could attract the kinds
    of women that they want.

    Well, I used to be one of the guys who didn't know
    what he was doing with women. Now I'm one of the guys
    who can go out anytime, in any situation and attract

    What's the difference?


    PS I also know how to hack computers and know that sometimes its a little more than breaking technology, its called social engineering.... look into it if you want or get a life!

  5. #80
    Unregistered Guest

    hacker , try me lol

    your the best , ive got * email adreses , find them lol
    good luck

  6. #81
    Unregistered Guest

    Thumbs up

    Holy fuck. Have you tried NOT BEING SO FUCKING PARANOID!!!
    Try that, yeah, see if that works. Let us know.

  7. #82
    Unregistered Guest

    You guys are so fucken retarded...

    All of you that offered s***estions to those people who said "my girlfriend left me help me hack bla bla bla" are fucken liars, and you should feel stupid for typing s***estions that have to do with talking to the "girlfriend" and shit...All the guy wants is more accounts for his yahoo/msn booter, I came here cuz I'm looking for some to, your probably asking yourself "hmm, why doesnt he just make a whole bunch of accounts and shit" well, yahoo monitors new joiners and if they see a multitude of users joining from the same IP theyre gonna suspect a bot is in use, but if you hack accounts you can use them as drones and yahoo will remain stupified...So dont waste your time on these loosers who make up stories about their g/f's cuz its all bullshit...If you know how to use a cracker, help us all out and tell us how instead of trying to sell your shitty scam service...

  8. #83
    Unregistered Guest

    program for this

    i have a good program that tricks pplz into entering there hotmail password
    if you want it email me [email][/email]

  9. #84
    technophreak666 Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    All of you that offered s***estions to those people who said "my girlfriend left me help me hack bla bla bla" are fucken liars, and you should feel stupid for typing s***estions that have to do with talking to the "girlfriend" and shit...All the guy wants is more accounts for his yahoo/msn booter, I came here cuz I'm looking for some to, your probably asking yourself "hmm, why doesnt he just make a whole bunch of accounts and shit" well, yahoo monitors new joiners and if they see a multitude of users joining from the same IP theyre gonna suspect a bot is in use, but if you hack accounts you can use them as drones and yahoo will remain stupified...So dont waste your time on these loosers who make up stories about their g/f's cuz its all bullshit...If you know how to use a cracker, help us all out and tell us how instead of trying to sell your shitty scam service...
    I couldn't have said it better... Hey dude if you want to use multiple accounts without you making 'em up, I know of a program called Mail Fraud and many others that can help with mailing from different addresses, which can be known as SPAM. Here's this link, and there are a variety of programs which you can choose from.


  10. #85
    skumar Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    I think my gfriend is cheating on me, but i dont have any proof.. how can i get her yahoo password. We dont live together so keylogger wont work, i need to get remotely into her computer or is there an easier way. thx
    fdsfdsf dfjdskfjdskfj kjdfadskfjds fkdsjfdsakfjd sfkdsjfkdslfjdsf

  11. #86
    Unregistered Guest

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    u can package keyloggers on a pic or some file and u can log everythign she types... for instance her YAHOO MESSENGER PASSWORD.......
    i dont know how to crack

  12. #87
    waqas Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    I think my gfriend is cheating on me, but i dont have any proof.. how can i get her yahoo password. We dont live together so keylogger wont work, i need to get remotely into her computer or is there an easier way. thx
    plz send me hacking software plz

  13. #88
    Unregistered Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    I think my gfriend is cheating on me, but i dont have any proof.. how can i get her yahoo password. We dont live together so keylogger wont work, i need to get remotely into her computer or is there an easier way. thx

  14. #89
    Unregistered Guest

    Country of registration

    I reckon I might have a fair crack at her personal question, only I can't get to it. When I try "change password" I am asked for the country of registration and, having tried it, it's not the one where she lives. Is there a way of finding the country of registration?

  15. #90
    Unregistered Guest

    plzz give me my id password

    hi acctully my friend was know about my id password....and she has changed my id plzz plzzz give me my id password

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