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Thread: Net Send DOS Help!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    hey Syntax****** that script you gave me for the reg to disable the block from getting into DOS worked =) ty, now I gotta find some cool commands i can do to my friends that will make me look cool and smart.. lol
    I dont know about making you look cool and smart but you can sure drive some people crazy with some harmless pranks. Download psexec.exe and use it to remotely execute joke programs on the other puters.


    At my work, Net Send works fine on all the desktop computers, however I can not get it to work on the dell laptops. I checked and found that messanger is running, terminal services is running, and the firewall is turned off.
    Are you logged onto the LAN before you try executing the net send? Do you see the computers on the LAN when you type a Net view command? Im guessing the DNS server didnt not pick up the laptop and your trying to net send to a COMPUTERNAME instead of an IP. Just a flat out guess~ Make sure you messenger service is started by simply typing "Net start messenger"
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  2. #17
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by SyntaX******
    It sounds like you need step by steps so here goes.

    *. Open notepad
    2. If you cant find notepad hit one of the function keys to open a search window. On my XP its F*
    *. Paste the script into notepad
    4. When your saving the file click SAVE AS... then Select ALL FILES... Type WHATEVERYOUWANT.reg
    5. Open the file and it will automatically go into the registry. It will ask you if you want to place it in the registry so just select OK.
    6. You will be able to access both the command prompt and batch files

    There ya go~
    wen i do that it says it has an error accessing the registry

  3. #18
    jessi Guest

    programmer from hell

    hey email at [email]jessi*[/email] if u really need some help past that stuff i can do all that easy

  4. #19
    Siva Kumar Guest

    Exclamation Net send Command

    Quote Originally Posted by cybermoser
    At my work, Net Send works fine on all the desktop computers, however I can not get it to work on the dell laptops. I checked and found that messanger is running, terminal services is running, and the firewall is turned off.

    any other s***estions, people can not even send me a net send message and I can not send a net message out, when I try using dos I get the following error:

    An error occured while sending a message to "computer name"
    The message alias could not be found on the network.
    More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 227*

    Any s***estions
    Please Update with s***estions !!!

  5. #20
    Xpl0tion Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by drummerdude
    Ok listen up.....( the computers at my school use a program that is called "Fool Proof" Which blocks all QUOTE "bad'' UNQUOTE website and my friend are trying to break it using C++ and Dos Prompt. I have tryed NASM ASM language and C++ to hack into the admin. account...but it is impossable....I have also learned that if there is a access diened window that pops up..then you can just sneak passed it saying [bypass_code5] SO I NEED TO KILL THIS PROGRAM! i have done it before! but he changed the URL and the IP adress from the server....I dont get this.. I just want to hack his damn computer and kill it....Fuck him lol
    Idiot. Nothing is impossible. ASM is a programming language, but NASM is a compiler. What are you doing, running an instance of "hello world" and expecting it to drop you in as root? I think you are royally BSing me. First things first, you need to know what Operating System that your school's server is using. Mine, for instance uses Windows 2000 Server. Some schools might use a distribution of Linux, or BSD, which are both UNIX based and considerably harder to crack into. I've also seen a school use Mac as a server platform. But onto greater things: If you're lucky and the school is running a Windows NT-based server, your job gets considerably easier. If your system administrator is incredibly stupid, like ours.. it gets even easier. Obtain a copy of the SAM file from that computer (this file is loaded into memory at startup, so you're not gonna easily just take a copy of it out of there with you) I know that a SAM file exists at %systemroot%\system*2\config. I know that there is a backup SAM somewhere, but i'm not sure where it is. (%systemroot%\repair, possibly?) You need to take this file home with you on disc and run a password cracker on it at home. (LC5 is a great example of which) This cracker will decode the password hashes generated by Windows into readable passwords. There you go.

    I know more on the subject, but I think i've already wasted enough time on what I just said, so i'm leaving it at that.

  6. #21
    Unregistered Guest


    ok, i have no clue whats going on here. im at my skool computer and ive been trying all i can find on how to get into the command prompt... direct route blocked, "@echo" yo.bat dosnt work, and that other code in the notepad gets blocked after i say yes to the qustion. im getting really mad cause we cant talk anymore and im really trying hard to get in there. smone help me get in there... email me at [email][/email]

  7. #22
    Unregistered Guest

    Get a life.

    If you want to learn stuff, buy old, cheap pcs and set up a lab. Break your own crap. Do you little children have nothing better to do than trying to get around the limits grown-ups have set up? MS security sucks, but I'm sure so does life as a network admin at a school full of little wannabes, trying to prove they have gonads when they really only have three pubic ****s.

    Grow up.

  8. #23
    Unregistered Guest


    my ass hurts!!!

  9. #24
    Razeel Guest


    plz talk me i can do send file in the dos on yahoo of chat friend???plz talk me?______give commands send file on the dos?
    my name Razeel
    my Email

  10. #25
    Unregistered Guest
    Ite, my school uses a program called BESS. Now, many blocking programs are set up like BESS now...Bess is a program that comes wiht Novell; in fact, BESS isn't even a program, it is a seperate 'router.' It is connected on the side of the network. For example

    Schools computer

    What happens is, to get to the internet, your quieries are 'filtered' through BESS. Now, to irradicate yourself from BESS would be mean to castrate yourself from the Internet. Now, you wanna create major mayhem on BESS? BESS acts also as a fire wall. Fire walls fight fire wiht fire; that means, install another fire wall, and BESS will be in a constant battle, and it will shut down, but not castrate you from the internet. BESS is in alot of schools, and you might want to check if u ahve something like BESS or if u do have BESS. Now that I have educated you people, which is amazing cause i'm probably half all of your age, I would like to learn a little. Can anyone teach me how to full on hack someone's computer? I can get their ip and all, I just need to know about some programs and such. Thx. Just email me wiht ?s or Comments.


  11. #26
    Join Date
    May 2005

    Exclamation i need help

    Ok i need some help here im trying to send net send but i keep coming up with this error message saying that i havent put it in right or something like that. My skool is on the new dells windows Xp. Can some one tell me the correct format to do this becouse i think mine happens to be wrong....And do i have to us the computer name ex.Lab A**-*5 or do i have to use the IP Address??? And can some one help me find a way to hack into the administrator controls, i can get into administrator on my computer but it still has the controls and this thing is really starting to piss me off..

  12. #27
    unregistred Guest

    Exclamation jagblade

    rite im having a lil trouble wiv net send my skewl have done a good job blokin the muva fuker, wen sending it will not let me add it to the registry (yes i no im a shyte speller) any sugestions!! my skewl needs 2 have sum havek caused i have already got peoples password and i want to the the stuk up bastards no that they can never keep me out via spreading the wrod through net send, also wen creating a new file it wil not let me create a dos file or cmd help me please!!

  13. #28
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    Ok so at my school the computers are WindowsXP. And they uses Novell (common). Anyways the cool thing at school right now is to send other people on computers messages using net send. (Example) While im on a computer a message will pop up saying "Turn off your computer now and kiss your butt!" or something stupid like that.

    I've figured out how to do this its: net send CW-**0*6 "Your message here"

    *Every computer has there own 4 digit number, and they are posted on top the computers monitor. You do not include the * when doing net send.

    Ok so now I wanna do something cooler =) Something maybe like shutting down someones computer. Or anything that is cooler then the net send.

    Also you can not get into DOS mode here at school, when I try go to run>cmd DOS will pop up and in it, it says The Admistrator has disabled this, press any key to exit. So the way we do net send at school is to make batch files.

    Any help??

    for any thankfill answer(s) : [email]rana*****@**********[/email]
    Go to winternals and download a small program called PSSHUTDOWN. this will do the trick. And also if you start windows explorer and on the address bar type command you will get to a DOS prompt

  14. #29
    Unregistered Guest

    Question help me plz

    i'm new to this all ,anyone could help me about it , of shutting down other peopl's computers. what should i type in the dos

  15. #30
    Unregistered Guest
    [QUOTE=SyntaX******]Long shot here but see if your can access your registry:

    Paste this in notepad and save as a .reg

    >>> Is there a way (like this one) to enable the right mouse click again? Because it is disabled at my skool :s
    I can run MS DOS....


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