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Thread: How can i get my girlfriends yahoo password

  1. #256
    Unregistered Guest

    yahoo id hacked

    hi sir my yahoo is gone hacked by some * .... i want my id back soon as soon ..plzz help .... and send my password on this id /... [email][/email]

    my yahoo hacked id is ... [email]memy_dreams2005@**********[/email]

  2. #257
    Unregistered Guest

    Thumbs up recover my password

    hello sir, someone hacked my yahoo id. and now i have lost my all of yahoo friends. please help me at once. and kindly recover my password.
    my yahoo id is (jaan_82*@**********)

    Thanking you dear sir,

  3. #258
    Unregistered Guest

    Thumbs up recover my password

    hello sir.

    i have lost my yahoo id .please help me
    some one has taken my password.kindly recover my id of yahoo

    my yahoo id is [email]saminamino@**********[/email]

    send me new password on this id [email]diamondofisland@**********[/email]
    thanking you

  4. #259
    bhavanam Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered
    please send do i can findout my galfrends yahoo messenger password.

  5. #260
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by bhavanam
    please send do i can findout my galfrends yahoo messenger password.
    do this as a package

  6. #261
    tThAx0r Guest

    Thumbs up Advise

    u ppl need to get a life and stop bitching and complaining about ur gf or bf cheating on u so what who gives a fuck. just find the fucker who u think is trying to get with ur gf or bf and beat the fuck out of him or kill him. hacking or gettin ur gf or bfs pw is not gonna solve nothing. finding the fucker and beating the fuck out of him will solve a lot. trust me ive done it plenty of times. but also hacked them. o well hope u take my advise. if not then continue bein noobs and crying and askin dumb questions and makin urself look like a fucking loser. be my guest beacuse its not my prob. peace


  7. #262
    Unregistered Guest

    help me please,

    Can any one help me to take the password of this ID Yahoo : babygirls25*0
    Thanks too much, he's hacked my pass and said that no one can hack his ID. Hic hic hic

    Plzz send it's pass to me at: [email]mam_nhoc@**********[/email]

  8. #263
    Unregistered Guest

    Help me please

    Please, can you find this password for me, it's of my daughter, and i don't know her whereabouts. [email]Andreas624@**********[/email] Please email me the password at [email]nailege*[/email].
    Thank you

  9. #264
    unregistred Guest

    Smile excellent your coments

    first i want to apology for my bad english. i'm form mexico. i can read in englhis but it´s very dificult to me write in this lenguage.
    you´r my ******. i admire your coments.
    i try to send a message only for you but i don't know your mail.
    if you´r not to busy please answer to [email][/email]. thanks

  10. #265
    Unregistered Guest

    for SyntaX******

    first i want to apology for my bad english. i'm form mexico. i can read in englhis but it´s very dificult to me write in this lenguage.
    you´r my ******. i admire your coments.
    i try to send a message only for you but i don't know your mail.
    if you´r not to busy please answer to [email][/email]. thanks[/QUOTE]

  11. #266
    LilKitt Guest

    Red face Proud of myself I just read this entire thread because, of course, I had the same darn question about getting a password. In my case, hubby of *0 years (our anniversary was last Friday)....has his own little yahoo account. The difference being, I KNOW what he's doing in that account (XXX). I KNOW I don't like what that account is used for, and I KNOW it's something that hurts me. However, after reading all *8 pages of posts......I came to the conclusion that trying to hack, crack, log, or otherwise get that password...goes against my own damn morals and values. Believe it when I say it's killing me inside not to see exactly what is going on....but all the talk about trust and what not got me thinking.....yes, it's a trust issue.....yes, I will probably just ask him to fess up the password...yes, he'll probably not fess it up. In the end, I changed my mind, deleted all the nasty lil programs for busting passwords, didn't get in my car to go check on the hubby (living separately at the moment) and stayed right here trying to do the right thing.

    Some of these posts actually made me laugh (which has been rare for the last four months), and some....well if you fall for all the so-called password recovery techniques I've just deserve what you get....which will be hacked and cracked!!

    I've only been researching this stuff for a few hours...and I can tell you, I've seen the same types of "e-mail this addy, with this info...etc" about a hundred times tonite....all with different instructions for the same scam.

    So...I must say thanks to those who pointed out the trust thing....thanks to those who made me realize desperation is not an option, and thanks for changing my mind!! I feel better knowing I'm doing things the right way...and for those who think they'll die without those won't....I didn't.

  12. #267
    LilKitt Guest

    Talking P.S. forgot this part

    Oh yea.....I forgot this part......instead of wasting another four hours of my life trying to spy on my hubby......I'm going to do something finding some marital support message ***rds! I can say I learned a lot here tonite....most importantly, trust myself, and beef up the security on my damn computer!!!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. #268
    Unregistered Guest
    my id is [email][/email]
    and my girlfriend id is [email]anitha_us200*@**********[/email]
    i want her password me plz

  14. #269
    Unregistered Guest


    i need to hack someones character name in runescape2 his name is deadly eyez mine is lardman* thanks

  15. #270
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    ok, a simple way to get her password is to forge an e-mail to her. This is easy to do and there are tutorials all over the net on how to do it. You can also edit the address in outlook express and the name or you can download a program that will forge an e-mail for you (there are many good free ones floating around).
    You also need to set up an e-mail address at hotmail or yahoo or whatever. Something like [email]admin*45@**********[/email].

    Ok, once you can forge the e-mail forge it from [email]admin@**********[/email] or something similar. (Or you can just send it from your new address but this isn't as believeable), you send her a bullshit e-mail about a data corruption or something and tell her that you need her to send her username and password to your new address so that you can validate her account (make something up). Try and make the e-mail look professional, eg start with Dear User x, where x is her user name and sign off with John Duncan, Security Manager. or something.

    This does work, but i'm fairly sure it's illegal so i wouldn't advise you to do it. It's success all depends on how good you can make the e-mail look. i'm not responsible for any laws you might break.

    Maybe you would all be better off to stop worrying about others and get on with your own lives or at least to be honest and not spy on people behind their backs.

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