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Thread: Installing Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine in Windows

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Installing Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine in Windows

    Things You Will Need
    1. VMware Workstation - Get an *0-day trial with full features from here [url][/url]
    2. An ISO (.iso) of Ubuntu - Get it from here [url][/url]
    3. A decent computer with admin privleges - I recommend at least * GB RAM

    A quick Q&A

    *. What is VMware Workstation and why would I want it?

    VMware Workstation is a program that allows you to run * or more virtual machines within your physical machine. No partitions or changes to your HD are made, other than a file being created to hold the contents of your virtual machine. This saves space because you won't need another computer or CDs to have your ISO files on. It saves ***** because you won't have to buy another computer. It's great for testers, developers, and anyone else who would want another operating system.

    2. What's the disadvantage?

    The only disadvantage is that your system resources will be divided between the virtual machine (known as the 'guest') and your real physical machine (known as the 'host'). Your guest may run a little slower than it would if it were on a real physical machine. But if you have a good enough machine with enough RAM, you shouldn't notice any such problems.

    *. How do I use this?

    Read my following tutorial

    Assuming you have everything in the list above, let's get started. First, run the VMware Workstation installer. Have your trial product serial ready to eneter. The installation is straightforward, but when you get to this screen:


    Be sure to select 'Typical'.

    After installing, you may get this:


    Say 'No' and continue. Start VMware Workstation. This is what the screen looks like:


    Click on 'New Virtual Machine'. This box should appear:


    Click Next. This appears:


    Choose Typical and press Next. This appears:


    Be sure to choose 'Linux' and choose 'Ubuntu' from the list. Press Next. This appears:


    Choose the amount of HD space you want to allocate to your VM file. I chose 20 GB. Press Next. Your installation should now be completed! Look at the screen now.


    Right now, Ubuntu isn't installed yet. Your VM is pretty much an empty HD. Double click on the CD-ROM choice under Devices on the screen. This screen should come up:


    Click on 'Use ISO Image' and click Browse. Find your Ubuntu .iso and set it as the designated ISO image. Press OK.

    Now you should be back to the main screen. Click 'Start This Virtual Machine' (next to the green arrow). The machine should start up. You'll get a screen like this (sorry for my horrible Paint skills):


    When you click inside of the Virtual Machine area, your mouse will be 'in' the virtual machine. If you want to click anywhere outside of the machine (i.e. on your real machine) you have to press Ctrl + Alt to 'release' your cursor. Click on the 'Try Ubuntu Without Any Change To Your Computer'. Let Ubuntu boot up. You should get this screen:


    Click on the installer. Let it install to your virtual HD. This is a straightforward process. After the installation, you should shut down your virtual machine. When you get back to the main VMware Workstation screen, double click the CD-ROM choice under the Devices heading. Click on 'Use Physical Drive' so your VM won't boot from your disc, and instead will boot from your now-installed Ubuntu. Start your virtual machine again.

    Presto! You have now installed Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine! Remember, the only change to your HD is the creation of a file to hold your VM. It is completely saf

    Thanks for reading, and I hope you learned something
    "Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Trust me, I'm not using a trial version of VMware. I made this tutorial for the </> community, so I had to keep it legal.

    But thanks for the link to that program from Microsoft. If I'm bored I might take a look at it.
    "Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    i have a question for you.... while using ubuntu, one you have compiz on there, after all n all is installed and you go to install emerald, does emerald work for you?

    see ive "toyed" with linux a tad but i never could figure out why emerald wouldnt work for me... even aft i uninstalled compiz.... i guess it really dosent matter nowadays but i was just thinking about it.^^

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Lazyboi_200* View Post
    i have a question for you.... while using ubuntu, one you have compiz on there, after all n all is installed and you go to install emerald, does emerald work for you?

    see ive "toyed" with linux a tad but i never could figure out why emerald wouldnt work for me... even aft i uninstalled compiz.... i guess it really dosent matter nowadays but i was just thinking about it.^^
    Sorry, I've never installed either of those programs. I can't help you there.

    I'd s***est following my tutorial and trying it on an Ubuntu virtual machine, that way if it doesn't work, you can just delete the VM and everything will be fine.
    "Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains." -Karl Marx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    oh im using windows xp right now, it was a while ago, so it really dosent matter, it was jus somthing that stumped me, lol but its all in the past

    btw i yesterday i was looking up how to get somones ip address < how i found this great sit> with Google, and anyways i was bored and started reading the forums and it amazes me about how everyone wants to steal everybody elses passwords and stuff via myspace, and i noticed that ya'll "flame" em and i really apprciate ya'll for not helping these people, and yall are really cool

    i finnaly went to bed around 5 in the morning after reading like ** or so threads.... ^^ sites great

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Found this post about virtual machines, i think it's quite helpful

    I hope it will help you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Installing Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine in Windows

    I just see that my signature with the link to the Kit is not displayed for whatever reason,...

    Can anyone please upload the new Kit here again and then post a link to it here as a reply?


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Installing Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine in Windows

    I took a picture of what Im seeing. Notice that Sarah Lee is missing from my avatar. Anyone have any clues what might fix the glitches?


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Installing Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine in Windows

    the way you have designed your washing machine means that you have to have an opening in the "washing drum", or if you build a case around the "washing drum" you can make small holes in the "washing drum" so water can come through like in a real washing machine

    hope this answers your question

    edit: attached image

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Installing Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine in Windows

    Hey everybody, so Im on a Dell with Windows 8, and I love it However, it came with a free trial of McAfee, and it expired. Im getting notifications that the computer isnt protected anymore left and right, but I also know that Windows 8 already came with Windows Defender installed, so it should be fine. The problem is, Windows Defender has apparently been turned off because McAfee was running instead. Id rather just run Windows Defender instead of paying for McAfee. How can I turn it off so that I wont get McAfee notifications anymore and will instead only have Windows Defender on?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Installing Ubuntu on a Virtual Machine in Windows

    Un-install all the McAfee files off your computer if you dont want it anymore and see if you can switch on Windows defender then. If not, either buy McAfee or get some other anti-virus program or leave your compy unprotected, but yeah....

    I use McAfee, and while its actually a pretty good program, its a bully to all other anti-virus programs. Its not compatible with anything else, really, thats why it switched off Windows Defender.

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