With batch files, the user needs to open them and yes you can send one that will open, delete and basically jam the computer. I made programs that did this in Visual Basic and put them on the networked drive that everyone has access to. I then renamed them to stuff like Jezzball.exe and changed the icon to be the Jezz Ball icon. It was funny becasue I'd see people get pissed off and slam on the key***rd when they opened one.

Also I made a batch file that shuts down the local computer. That also was hilarious because there was no timeout and the compuetr's power just cut out.

For the Net Send command, if anybody cares still, type this into command propmtp before you use the net send command. "net start Messenger"

You need the messenger to be opened and operable on both the trasmitting and the recieveing computer for the command to work.

To get command prompt to work on your school computer, you need local admin privliges if the admin disabled it. The Admin really did a good job, but not good enough , with the security on our network. To get the local privliges, if you are running on windows 2k, unplug the ethernet cable on a computer that you frequently use and log in. The computer will have your password hash already stored, so you will get access. If you plug the cable back in, you can then get internet and download and install Firefox or Opera to use instead of the heavily filtered and faulted IE. With the local admin privliges you can then run Commadn Prompt.