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Thread: proxy I can use?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    proxy I can use?

    Hey, all.

    What am I doing wrong?
    This is my first crack at using proxies and it ain't a-workin'.
    I'm using rosinstruments proxy lists, doing the right thing in Nav's proxy settings, but after trying about *00 of them, I either can't connect, or if I connect, I'm not anon.

    So,am I missing something?
    Last edited by Nulland Void; 11-11-2001 at 12:25 PM.
    Openly covert.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Openly covert.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Openly covert Nulland Void...

    Didn't you know patience is a virtue? I don't have any either.

    Not familiar with Nav proxy settings but assuming you've got it right, try disabling ActiveX, Java, Javascript and retest your working proxies that were not anon before. Here's another proxy checker: [url]http://www.stilllistener.addr.com/checkpoint*/index.shtml[/url]

    Take A4Proxy for a test drive and take the drudgery outa testing all those proxies: [url]http://www.inetprivacy.com/a4proxy/index.htm[/url]

    Dark black,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Hi Blacksheep,

    Sorry 'bout the impatience, and thanks for the reply.

    All the settings you mention are ok (ActiveX is IE only, and I never use that b***er).

    Anyways, I think I'll just have to try a whole slew of proxies before I get some that will work for me.

    I was reading in the documentation that many proxies won't allow specific blocks of IP #'s. Maybe that's the problem.

    I tried A4 about one year ago and got totally confused.

    When I try proxies and get one that doesn't deny me access, I go to Steve Gibson's site and do a ShieldsUp test. But every time my real IP # shows up.

    I guess it's just a matter of trying a bunch of proxies until one works. Or is it?

    rosinstruments and some other site I can't remember the name of give a list of free public and anonymous proxies, but these proxies refuse to cooperate with me.
    Last edited by Nulland Void; 11-11-2001 at 04:59 PM.
    Openly covert.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Quotes from Nulland Void:
    "Sorry 'bout the impatience"

    Just kidding you.

    "I tried A4 about one year ago and got totally confused."

    It would be worthwhile to learn how to use it. One can automatically test a list of proxies, modify HTTP header requests so one is not advertising OS, browser, installed software, etc., simulate (fake) IP, etc..

    "When I try proxies and get one that doesn't deny me access, I go to Steve Gibson's site and do a ShieldsUp test. But every time my real IP # shows up."

    What do you mean by "deny me access"?

    If you've got Gibson's IP Agent installed, it will. ShieldsUp initial page is a https (SSL) connection. Your proxy must support https for it to work. One way to test proxy https support is to attempt connect to https URL like [url]https://www.mail2web.com/cgi-bin/login.asp?lid=0&il=0[/url]

    "I guess it's just a matter of trying a bunch of proxies until one works. Or is it?"

    Yup. Sometimes one works today but gone tomorrow.

    "rosinstruments and some other site I can't remember the name of give a list of free public and anonymous proxies, but these proxies refuse to cooperate with me."

    I haven't had much trouble with rosininstruments proxies, think you're doing something wrong. Maybe someone else has some ideas.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Lookee lookee here!

    I think I got me a good one:
    proxy.bnet.net.tr:80 (that's Turkey, isn't it?)

    I checked it at Still's and the results look great.
    (too bad I don't understand any of it, but at least my IP # is...not my IP #)

    Can't get in at GRC's. I hope he not being DOSed again.

    Ok. I'll give A4 another try, although I can't say I care much about revealing my OS, browser...etc.
    As long as my IP # is hidden.
    What do you think of Proxymitron?
    I used it for a while but sometimes it acted up (wouldn't let me connect).

    "Access denied" is a reply I get a lot when I try proxies, but most of the time it just times out; "Netscape can't access...bla bla bla".

    Don't have IP Agent.

    I'll keep testing proxies and post the good ones here.
    Unless that's not ok? I don't know...
    Would that be ok???
    Openly covert.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2001

    Lookee lookee here!

    Quotes from Nulland Void:

    "I think I got me a good one:
    proxy.bnet.net.tr:80 (that's Turkey, isn't it?)"

    Yes [url]http://www*.ics.uci.edu/pub/websoft/wwwstat/country-codes.txt[/url]

    "What do you think of Proxymitron?"

    Dunno, haven't tried it.

    ""Access denied" is a reply I get a lot when I try proxies, but most of the time it just times out; "Netscape can't access...bla bla bla"."

    Tell us exactly how you try proxies.

    "I'll keep testing proxies and post the good ones here.
    Unless that's not ok? I don't know...
    Would that be ok???"

    Sure. But, good proxies are like gems. Do you want a zillion netizens to use your favorite proxies, then they overload and shut down?
    Last edited by Blacksheep; 11-12-2001 at 01:50 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    That's good advice Blacksheep.

    Ok. When I try a proxy, I go in my Nav's Edit menu, Preferences, Advanced, Proxies, Manual proxy configuration, View.
    Then in Servers, HTTPput in IP # or proxy's name, ie:2**.22.***.82 or pad20**08*67075.ozemail.com.au, and the port # in the corresponding field)

    This has now become a moot point since I've found about half a dozen that work, BUT...

    each one I try and test at Still's and [url]http://leader.ru/secure/who.html[/url]
    show a different IP # than my real one, which is wonderful. However, GRC shows my real IP #.


    This is a mind boggler.

    (I don't know how that thingy face got in up there)
    Oh god! more mysteries...
    Last edited by Nulland Void; 11-12-2001 at 07:36 PM.
    Openly covert.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Yep! There's definitely something not quite right here.

    I just tested another half dozen which show me anonymous at Still's and at this other guy in Russia, but my real IP # always shows up at GRC's.

    Very disturbing.
    Very depressing.
    I think I'll go out for a beer...
    Openly covert.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2001

    Nulland Void's proxy problem...

    "That's good advice Blacksheep."

    I try when I'm in a good mood.

    "This has now become a moot point since I've found about half a dozen that work, BUT... each one I try and test at Still's and [url]http://leader.ru/secure/who.html[/url]
    show a different IP # than my real one, which is wonderful. However, GRC shows my real IP #."

    Maybe you should double check to make sure you don't have Gibson's IP Agent in your box.


    This is a mind boggler."

    Think of it as a challenge.

    "(I don't know how that thingy face got in up there)
    Oh god! more mysteries... "

    Smilie characters produce smilies if smilies are enabled. You can "Disable Smilies in This Post" right above "Submit ...". Perfectionists "Preview ..." and check links before submitting.

    "Yep! There's definitely something not quite right here.

    I just tested another half dozen which show me anonymous at Still's and at this other guy in Russia, but my real IP # always shows up at GRC's."

    Again, IP Agent?
    Try clearing your browser cache before going to grc. Re***** your browser on grc.

    We gotta solve your enigma.

  11. #11
    Unregistered Guest
    Hi Blacksheep,

    Thanks for the support!

    My browser cache is set at 0 (zero, that is) and I've neutered the fat.db file. So not even an eight of a byte could get in there in there.

    As for IP Agent, I seem to recall having that installed about two years ago, but there has been five formats and clean re-installs of Windows since then and so I don't think IP Agent would have survived that.

    I would be curious to know if the same thing happens to others. Any takers?

    'coz I'm right baffled with this...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Oh crud! I forgot to log in and now I can't fix the typo.
    Preview button?
    What preview button? (wink! wink! nudge, nudge)
    Last edited by Nulland Void; 11-12-2001 at 10:42 PM.
    Openly covert.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Openly covert.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2001


    Nulland Void...
    Close your browser and clear your browser cache, start new browser and "Test My Shields!" with anon proxy.

    Does this solve your true IP problem at grc?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Hi Blacksheep,

    As I mentioned in one of the above posts, nothing gets in my tweaked cache (I use Nav, remember?).

    However, just to get that cache issue out of the way, and because I respect your opinion, I did what you said.

    Problem is still there.

    This morning I tested another half dozen proxies, and the situation hasn't changed.

    I really wish someone else would try it out, just to see.
    Here's some proxies to try:


    and I check them at:

    and ShieldsUp:

    I'm at wits end...

    Hey wait a minute! I just noticed that the ShieldsUp test site is https.

    Might that mean something???
    Openly covert.

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