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Thread: proxy I can use?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    That's basically it. Encrypted headers.
    You plum got it, kiddo!
    Big congrats!
    Openly covert.

  2. #32
    zahid-z11 Guest

    need to open pages

    Originally posted by Nulland Void
    That's good advice Blacksheep.

    Ok. When I try a proxy, I go in my Nav's Edit menu, Preferences, Advanced, Proxies, Manual proxy configuration, View.
    Then in Servers, HTTPput in IP # or proxy's name, ie:2**.22.***.82 or pad20**08*, and the port # in the corresponding field)

    This has now become a moot point since I've found about half a dozen that work, BUT...

    each one I try and test at Still's and [url][/url]
    show a different IP # than my real one, which is wonderful. However, GRC shows my real IP #.


    This is a mind boggler.

    (I don't know how that thingy face got in up there)
    Oh god! more mysteries...

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