Originally posted by Cedz
I've been trying to find my computer's true IP for a long time, ...................... I think the more I look, the more lost I get... Any s***estions, anyone?



Hi Cedz

i will try to be the most simple possible.

when you run (on windows OS) netstat -n (the -n is to display adresses & ports in a numeric way) you will get something similar
to this:

Active Connections

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP **2.*68.*.**5:*62* **2.*68.*.2:*** ESTABLISHED
TCP *22.2**.*0.66:4608 *55.*2*.*0.26:25 TIME_WAIT

I made on pupose this example to give a detailed vew.

the protocol used for this particular connection, in this case it's a TCP and not a UDP connection.

Local Address:
2 different local addresses, the **2.*68.*.**5 is a LAN (local area network) address, this address can only be seen and accessed from the network (intranet), not from the outside world (internet).
The IP range from **2.*68.0.0 to **2.*68.255.255 has been reserved to be used for LANs.

as you can notice there's a LAN connection from my PC port *62* to another PC on the same network (**2.*68.*.2) accessing its netbios port *** and the connection was still ESTABLISHED at the moment of the netstat was running.

the second local address *22.2**.*0.66 is the one that is used for the internet and can be seen from the outside world, this is your true IP. Mind you that if you have a dynamic IP, you might get a diferrent one at every connection, mostly the last * digits will change.

you can see that a request is made from my port 4608
to an outside computer *55.*2*.*0.26 SMTP mail port 25 and the connection is still in a TIME_WAIT mode when netstat was run.

If you want to use a firewall, try to protect the *22.2**.*0.66 address from attacks as the **2.*68.*.**5 is NOT accessible from the outside.

both IPs are yours, one for intranet, and one for internet.

a third IP, also called LOCALHOST is internal to the system and is ALWAYS *27.0.0.* (NOT ACCESSIBLE FOR ANYONE FROM THE OUTSIDE) it is meant to be used by the system or even by the user for particular use like pointing to a local proxy or whatever...

come back any time
