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Thread: IP Address - Location?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Question IP Address - Location?

    I apologize for my "newbie-ness" but I hope you all can help. I am trying to look up the origin location of an IP address and the only results I can come up with are the internet service provider.


    This person posted some of my personal information and I'd like ***** down the location of the IP. I know you cannot look up a physical name but if I could get the city or state, it would really help to narrow down the search. When I run it through WHOIS, it comes up as Comcast Digital Cable.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2001

    Re: IP Address - Location?

    Originally posted by Edison
    I know you cannot look up a physical name but if I could get the city or state, it would really help to narrow down the search. When I run it through WHOIS, it comes up as Comcast Digital Cable.
    The host name for this IP is pcp0**6*405pcs.dalect0* This makes me believe that the user is located in Virginia (VA).


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Concerning on the information what MrByte gave... if it is enough for You to calculate who it was, then okei. If not - try trough the police. I doubt that there is other more effective alternatives even thou law forcements aren´t working fast with these stuffs (in USA).

  4. #4
    Bronislav Guest
    Check this :[url]*5/2**.htm[/url]
    and everything is clear.

  5. #5
    v8soul Guest

  6. #6
    v8soul Guest
    Hello Guys, I'm writing from Hungary. I'm in an investigation of an IP address owner who was providing my datas to others on the internet cousing me lot of troubles. I have a guessing who it can be but could you please help me to locate the address? I would really appreciate the host name itself. Should be enough. It is in Hungary of course so I don't know if you guys can help me. So the IP address is 80.*8.*54.*46.

    Thank you very much in advance!
    Cheers, v8

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Results for 80.*8.*54.*46:

    Country: HUNGARY
    City: BUDAPEST
    Region: BUDAPEST

    It resolves to:


    and if you'd like further info:

    Try this link below -


    Hope this helps!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Thumbs down Hi Ollz > MishMish in hea

    hey guys ..
    i just want to know that ..
    is there any way where i can find the ip address
    of a persOn via MSN or HOtmail id !

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    If a site says its gonna record the IP address for unauthorised usage and sends it to the authorities (is there an international authority for this?). Can the unauthorised user be caught?
    Whats the chances of getting caught? say if the user is in another part of the world.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    IP Adress?

    I have had a lot of trubbel with someone sending after things in my name: for ex pornografi.
    If I want to buy such things I would realy like to choose myself!! Sometimes he is giving silly threats like cuting me up.
    I am no god with teknical things so if someone out there can help I will be glad.
    I have the IP nr 2*2.2*4.**5.58
    It is in Sweden and I am afraid that it can be in Stockholm: my home town.
    Sunny Börjessson

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    I find the following link very useful:


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    thanks Stedman this site is pretty interestinG ..

    who can Answer it plz

  13. #13
    Unregistered Guest
    If they have sent you an email then the originating ip is in the header.
    If you are chatting to them via msn, then if you get them to send you a file (it may even work in chat mode not sure) and you open the Dos command prompt, type in: netstat -o

  14. #14
    Unregistered Guest

    Re: IP Adress?

    Originally posted by Sunny
    I have had a lot of trubbel with someone sending after things in my name: for ex pornografi.
    If I want to buy such things I would realy like to choose myself!! Sometimes he is giving silly threats like cuting me up.
    I am no god with teknical things so if someone out there can help I will be glad.
    I have the IP nr 2*2.2*4.**5.58
    It is in Sweden and I am afraid that it can be in Stockholm: my home town.
    Sunny, tittar igenom denna site, det finns massor med bra tips för att hitta folks ip nummer med mera.
    Jag har bara varit här ett par veckor och redan redit ut ett par problem.
    Lycka till

  15. #15
    Unregistered Guest

    Re: IP Address - Location?

    Originally posted by Edison
    I apologize for my "newbie-ness" but I hope you all can help. I am trying to look up the origin location of an IP address and the only results I can come up with are the internet service provider.


    This person posted some of my personal information and I'd like ***** down the location of the IP. I know you cannot look up a physical name but if I could get the city or state, it would really help to narrow down the search. When I run it through WHOIS, it comes up as Comcast Digital Cable.

    kann sein das sie/er alexandria heisst !!!!!

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